Army Net-Centric Data Strategy Center Of Excellence (ANCDS) Army Data Harmonization and Integration Working Group (ADHIWG) Sever Ciorlian ANCDS Team Lead Phone Number: 732-532-8869 DSN:992-8869
Context DoD (Guidance, PDM III, Core Data Model TF, etc.) COCOM Joint Interface Army IT PfM Army Implementation of DoD Net-Centric Data Strategy Army Position for COIs Army SOA COI Implementation Process Roles and Responsibilities COI Lesson Learned Army Enterprise Architecture Army Data Harmonization and Integration Working Group ANCDS CoE Balance of Current and Future Force Activities End-State: Army Enterprise Positions that Avoids Redundancy and Save Dollars
Army Data Harmonization and Integration Working Group (ADHIWG) Objectives The Army Data Harmonization and Integration Working Group (ADHIWG) kick-off meeting was hosted by CIO/G6 on Jan 9, 2007 Targeted Army Mission Area/Domain Action Officers along with Army Stakeholders to: Established Army Data Harmonization and Integration Working Group (ADHIWG) Terms of Reference Support Available Obtained Feedback from Army Data Community on the Army Net-Centric Data Strategy Document Concepts Army Data Governance COI Implementation Process Provided information on Data Interoperability Provided Community of Interest Lesson Learned
Army Data Governance Structure Current Mission Areas and Domains ARMY Enterprise Business Mission Area Warfighting Mission Area Enterprise Information Environment Mission Area Information Assurance Acquisition Civil Works Force Application Force Protection Computing Infrastructure Human Resource Training Command & Control Communications Installations & Environment Focused Logistics Force Management Core Enterprise Services G2/Intel Financial Management Net-Centric Battlespace Awareness Information Assurance Logistics
Army Data Governance Structure Generic Governance Hierarchy
Data Governance Structure Summary ARMY Enterprise APRC bring conflict to provide ruling Army Harmonization and Integration Working Group provide advice Products: IESS XML ADS EID Other Services bring conflict to provide adjudication inform produce Army MAs, Domains, COIs Joint COIs participate in participate in Army Data Providers
Army Net-Centric Data Strategy Center Of Excellence (ANCDS) The Army Net-Centric Data Strategy (ANCDS) Center of Excellence (ANCDS COE) was established to facilitate the execution of the Army Data Strategy while providing users with overarching data products and services to promote interoperability and faster access, retrieval, analysis and utilization of data. Thus, the ANCDS COE provides uniform expertise to enable the migration to a net-centric environment via the establishment, production, and implementation of Communities of Interest (COIs) and their products. The ANCDS COE supports the lifecycle from conception to the field by providing the services for data requirements generation, implementation, integration, and validation in support of the Army Data Strategy.
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Army Data Governance Structure Governance Summary Enterprise APRC bring conflict to provide ruling Army Harmonization and Integration Working Group provide advice bring conflict to provide adjudication Other Services inform Army MAs, Domains, COIs Joint COIs participate in participate in Army Data Providers
Army Data Governance Structure Briefing Outline Fundamental Governance Components Fundamental Component Responsibilities Direct Hierarchical Relationships Indirect Hierarchical Relationships Cross-Functional Relationships Data Governance Structure Summary
Fundamental Governance Components APRC Provides IT PfM governance across the army Army Enterprise Provides the overarching governance and harmonization of data across the Army Mission Area Subset of Army Enterprise to provide overarching governance and harmonization for the four mission focus: Business MA (BMA) Defense Intelligence MA (DIMA) Warfighting MA (WMA) Enterprise Information Environment MA (EIEMA) Domain Subsets of Army Mission Areas Represent a common collection of related, or highly associated information capabilities and services The governing bodies of the Community of Interests (COIs) A collaborative group of users who must exchange information in pursuit of shared goals, interests, missions, or business processes and who therefore must have shared vocabulary for the information they exchanged Provide an organization and maintenance construct for data such that data goals are realized Define, evaluate and promote data interoperability standards including, for example, common vocabularies, ontologies, logical data models, entity and attribute definitions and XML data exchange schemas Community of Interest
Fundamental Component Responsibilities Adjudicating issues that cannot be resolved at the Mission Area level Providing Configuration Management support for Army Enterprise products Giving direction and guidance on harmonization and integration across the enterprise Army Enterprise Mission Area Defining Domains and Domain owners; Review Domain Governance Mission Area architecture and capability planning Cross Mission Area and enterprise coordination. Manage Domain Portfolios and information capabilities Ensure Community of Interest (COI) capabilities and Infrastructure are resourced Domain architecture and capability planning; Identify Services Facilitate information sharing among Domains Domain Community of Interest Develop semantic and logical agreements for data; Register COI data schemas and models Identify Authoritative Data Sources (ADS) Promote data sharing across the Army Enterprise
Direct Hierarchical Relationships Army Enterprise Army Enterprise provides cross-Mission Area guidance for entities that cross Mission Areas Army Enterprise is the authoritative source for the adjudication of unresolved data issues across Mission Areas, thus across the Army Enterprise Mission Area Domain Provides the governance necessary to facilitate harmonization of data, processes and configuration management within each Mission Area Community of Interest Provides guidance and support to the COI Ensures that all the products from COIs that fall within the Domain are harmonized
Indirect Hierarchical Relationships Army Enterprise Mission Area Domain Army Enterprise may delegate some of its responsibilities down to the domain Community of Interest Army Enterprise could appoint a lead (one Mission Area, or the DHI) to govern a COI Army Enterprise should govern any Enterprise COIs and provide the data products as they are de-conflicted with existing Mission Area products to all Mission Areas
Indirect Hierarchical Relationships (con’t) Army Enterprise Mission Area Domain Community of Interest Mission Area addresses the necessary harmonization of products that cannot be addressed by a single domain
Cross-Functional Relationships Mission Area-to-Mission Area (Cross Mission Area) Transfer of COIs Adjudication Forum External Processes Domain-to-Domain (Cross Domain) Data Sharing Cross-Domain COIs Standardization of data elements Resources Adjudication Process COI-to-COI Data Sharing Standardization of data elements Resources Adjudication Process