OGS OCOM-MOON application status and activity plan DORII AHM Giorgio Bolzon and the OCOM-MOONers OGS March 11 th 2010, HLRS, Stuttgart
Outlines OGS application in DORII Activity Plan and present issues (open discussion) Results
The OGS pilot application in DORII Environmental community: Oceanographic and coastal observation and modelling Mediterranean ocean observing network (OCOM-MOON) numerical module: OPATM-BFM parallel off-line coupled 3D physical- biogeochemical model for MedSea developed under MERSEA-IP observational module: MedARGO APEX FLOATS managed by OGS sensors on board: Sea-Bird CTD ( T, S, p, Lon, Lat, time) INGV MFS circulation model physical forcings (u, T, S, K V, wind, IRR…) data OPATM-BFM (MPI on 32 PEs) float
The OGS application in DORII Environmental community: Oceanographic and coastal observation and modelling Mediterranean ocean observing network (OCOM-MOON) numerical module: OPATM-BFM parallel off-line coupled 3D physical- biogeochemical model for MedSea developed under MERSEA-IP observational module: MedARGO APEX FLOATS managed by OGS sensors on board: Sea-Bird CTD ( T, S, p, Lon, Lat, time) Glider Trieste_1 sensors on board: about 1700! INGV MFS circulation model physical forcings (u, T, S, K V, wind, IRR…) data OPATM-BFM (MPI on 32 PEs) float Access to: float data OPATM-BFM Glider
The OGS application in DORII Environmental community: Oceanographic and coastal observation and modelling Mediterranean ocean observing network (OCOM-MOON) numerical module: OPATM-BFM parallel off-line coupled 3D physical- biogeochemical model for MedSea developed under MERSEA-IP observational module: MedARGO APEX FLOATS managed by OGS sensors on board: Sea-Bird CTD ( T, S, p, Lon, Lat, time) Glider Trieste_1 sensors on board: about 1700! INGV MFS circulation model physical forcings (u, T, S, K V, wind, IRR…) data OPATM-BFM (MPI on 32 PEs) float Access to: float data OPATM-BFM Glider ? ? Recovery problems
Activity Plan (1) Computing module: OPATM-BFM model Task 1 - to solve the resources availability issues at PSNC. Done. Collaboration: HLRS (1), PSNC (1). Task 2 - user should be able to launch a job using the latest forcings and biogeochemical model outputs from the Workflow started via the OGS VCR, to follow the execution and to check the successful job completion. Planned activity weeks: 3 (almost ready) Collaboration: HLRS (1), PSNC (1), OGS (1) Task 3 - user should be able to use the visualization tool based on GVid on a test netcdf file. Planned activity weeks: 2 (almost ready) Collaboration: LMU (1.5), OGS (0.5)
Activity Plan (2) Computing module: OPATM-BFM model Task 4 - user should be able to select, from the Workflow, a dataset of initial and boundary conditions among those available weekly from the operational chain. For the completion of the task, an IM-bridge has to copy the data from an external server to SE. The OPEN ISSUE could be whether it is more convenient to maintain the copy of the data from the external server or rather to store the whole dataset of initial/boundary conditions on a defined SE location. Planned activity weeks: 9 (mid-April) OGS, 3 weeks: implementation of IM methods for getting modeling data for given time period HLRS, 3 weeks: extension of OPATM-BFM for processing of data for given period PSNC, 3 weeks: integration of new IM methods into workflow Task 5 - user should be able to visualize the output data coming from task 4 launching the visualization tool directly from the VCR-OGS. Planned activity weeks: 11 (mid-May) Collaboration: ELETTRA (4), LMU (4), OGS (3) Task 6 - start of a soft production stage: analysis of performance, bug-fixing, improvement of operability. Planned activity weeks: starting from Task 5 completion
Activity Plan (3) Instrument module: Float and Glider Main responsibility: OGS, collaboration with ELETTRA Task 1 - via the VCR-OGS, user should be able to visualize float positions from a map of the Mediterranean Sea, to select a float and to browse the historical data of Temperature/Salinity. This is basically oriented to enrich the present IM that manages the float data. Planned activity weeks: 4.5 (mid-April) Task 2 - via the VCR-OGS, user should be able to design a mission for the glider, selecting and visualizing the way-points from a suitable map (perhaps googleearth) and setting all the other necessary parameters. This will be mainly based on the glider simulator, a field test with the glider will be possible at the end of the project only in case of glider availability. Planned activity weeks: 5, starting from the completion of Task 1 These requirements come from the 2nd Evaluation Procedure, that pointed out the need of graphical tools and more easy-to-use IMs.
Recent Results No new achievements since the Munich AHM. Glider Float Use of a virtual IM to manage many floats Possibility for the user to browse among historical float data, to create image files on an external host and to make them available using a http server We are considering to use imagej as visualization tool integrated inside the VCR
Get the graphical output from: Get the ASCII output from: Example: Latitude position FLOAT DATA BROWSING
Get the graphical output from: FLOAT DATA BROWSING
GLORY TO Select specific float commands
GLORY TO Select profile time commands
Get the profile values from: … no interactive floats will be available till the end of the project
Recent Results Workflow Now workflow is fully oriented to the computational module New workflow was created. It successfully incorporates CINECAbridge IM and its methods for fetching latest data from CINECA The integration of OPATM-BFM into workflow is in progress (it will be discussed on this AHM) Not yet integrated in VCR, we are planning to test this powerful way to explore 3D biogeochemical output from the OPATM-BFM model Gvid
…Many thanks for your attention GLORY TO