CS OPERATING SYSTEMS Project 2 Matrix Multiplication Project
MOTIVATION Multithread can save lots of time when you need to compute amount of works. Try to learn and implement it
OBJECTIVE Be familiar with the Multithreaded Programming.
HOW TO DO THE PROJECT Find the project 4.2 in the textbook of 8 th edition which is in the chapter 4. If your textbook is not 8 th edition, you can also find the project in chapter 4 which is named “Matrix Multiplication Project” and that’s it.
HOW TO DO THE PROJECT( CONT.) You can choose to follow the project in the textbook step by step or you can program by yourself, but in the report you have to write clearly how you do it. In the textbook, there are Pthread, win32, and java example. We “suggest” you use Pthread or java to do this project. P.S. If you use Pthread, you have to compile and execute it in linux system. You can upload it to CS workstation to do this project.
BASIC REQUIREMENT The program should read data from file, so the program should have way to input file name. You can also write some sample to test your program. Compute the performance. (basically : time)
SUBMISSION & GRADING POLICY Code correctness 35% Readability 5% Report 60% Bonus 10%
REPORT REQUIREMENT Basically How to execute you program (write this part clearly or you can’t get the score) How you do this project Compare matrix multiplication with multithread and without it what difference is between them What have you learned from this project Bonus part if you have
BONUS In chapter 3, we have learn multi-process. Try to implement the project using multi-process and compare the performance with multithread in the report.
DEADLINE 2009 / 11 / 10 ( 23:59 pm) The way to hand in your project Upload it to the FTP which need program, report, some sample if you have. FTP server will be announced later on course website
OFFICE HOUR : 週一 (Mon) : 7:00pm~10:00pm 綜二 751