Hosted by The Second Grade
Simple Machines PulleysLeversScrews
Row 1, Col 1 This simple machine has a rope around a wheel and axle and is used to raise and lower things. What is a pulley?
1,2 This object needs a pulley to raise it so the wind can catch it to make a boat move. What is a sail?
1,3 This object is a lever that needs the same weight on each end to make it fun to use. What is a see saw?
1,4 This object uses a screw to make holes in wood or metal. What is a drill?
2,1 This is a slanted, flat surface that is used to move things to a higher place instead of lifting them. What is an inclined plane?
2,2 This object uses a pulley to raise it outside our school to show our national pride. What is a flag?
2,3 This object uses a lever to remove things from wood. What is a hammer?
2,4 This object has a screw that is used to keep its top in place. What is a jar lid?
3,1 This simple machine is made from an inclined plane that is wrapped around a pole. It is used to keep things together. What is a screw?
3,2 This object uses a pulley to lift very heavy objects to very high places. You may see these around construction sites. What is a crane?
3,3 This object uses two levers that work together to open food that has a shell. What is a nut cracker?
3,4 This object has a screw at one end where it connects to a faucet. It allows water to pass from the faucet through the object. What is a hose?
4,1 This simple machine is made from two inclined planes. It is used to split or separate Things. What is a wedge?
4,2 This object needs a pulley to help lift a bucket full of water from deep in the ground. What is a water well?
4,3 This lever helps to move a boat through the water. What is an oar?
4,4 This object uses a screw to hold objects in place when sawing, bending or hammering What is a vise?
5,1 This simple machine is made of two parts that work together to roll objects. What is a wheel and axle?
5,2 This object uses a pulley to move a line making it possible to hang objects to dry from a window. What is a clothes line?
5,3 This object uses a lever compare the weight of objects. What is a balance scale?
5,4 This air screw is used to help some kinds of airplanes fly. What is a propeller?