DIMENSION A: Creating inclusive cultures Section.1. Building community INDICATOR A.1.7. All local institutions are involved in school
WORK PROCESS IN CONNECTION WITH THE INDICATOR A.1.7 GENERAL OBJECTIVE “Know the grade of satisfaction of all parents and the children with more cognitive skills about the inclusive activities carried out between all pupils of the school and the activities developed with other institutions”
PROCEDURE 1.-Initial evaluation 2.-Development plan and implementation 3.-Final evaluation
ANALYSIS OF THE RESULTS OF THE SURVEY TO STUDENTS SURVEYED STUDENTS: The number of pupils that have answered the survey are 33 boys and girls, which intellectual capacities allow them to understand and answer their opinions. The other 30 pupils of the school of the Primary Stage don´t do the survey, because their intellectual disabilities don´t allow them to do it. In order not to feel conditioned in their answers the survey was anonymous.
INDICATOR A.1.7. All local institutions are involved in school QUESTION 1
INDICATOR A.1.7. All local institutions are involved in school QUESTION 2
INDICATOR A.1.7. All local institutions are involved in school QUESTION 3
RESULTS A.1.7. The results show a very high degree of satisfaction in relation to inclusive activities with other boys and girls, as the three questions obtained over 76% has answered the maximum a lot. The remaining percentage is significant the rating of quite. From the results it is clear that what they like most is to conduct ( perform) activities with the other kids of the Primary Stage of the school, 85% rate a lot, 12% quite and 3% little. Improvement plan: when inclusive activities are planned to ask them to make proposals and collect those that are viable.
DIMENSION B: Producing inclusive policies Section B.1. Developing the school for all INDICATOR B.1.5. All new students are helped to settle into the school when they join first
WORK PROCESS IN CONNECTION WITH INDICATOR B.1.5 GENERAL OBJECTIVE “Know if to make friends at this school has been easy for pupils with more cognitive skills and if they help others to settle into the school”
INDICATOR B.1.5. All new students are helped to settle into the school when they join first The answers to the first question, 58% a lot, 36% quite and 6% a little indicate that although for more than a half has been very easy to make friends, other group have some difficulties and hard it. Thus the matter is to improve the strategies to make friends. QUESTION 1
INDICATOR B.1.5. All new students are helped to settle into the school when they join first Regarding question two, 63% helps a lot and 37% quite. Overall is a good score Assistance provided to other pupils to adapt to the center, can also be improved QUESTION 2
RESULTS B.1.5. Improvements plan: About the difficulty to make friends it would be to assess students who have more difficulties and to implement individual and group specific programs. Regarding help to others it would be necessary to suggest them specific tasks to provide help, because sometimes they want to help more but don´t know how to do it. CONCLUSION. In general we can conclude that pupils enjoy very much to develop activities with other pupils and overall, with the other kids of the school that have mos degree of disabilities. Students also feel very comfortable at the school and they are very motivated with the task we propose them. Finally it should be noted that for them is easy to make friends at the school.
DIMENSION A: Creating inclusive cultures Section A.1. Building community INDICATOR A.1.1. Everyone is made to feel welcome
WORK PROCESS IN CONNECTION WITH INDICATOR A.1.1. GENERAL OBJECTIVE “Know the welfare of the pupils at school and identify if the pupils with more cognitive skills find interesting and useful for them the activities we develop”
INDICATOR A.1.1. Everyone is made to feel welcome QUESTION 1
INDICATOR A.1.1. Everyone is made to feel welcome QUESTION 2
RESULTS A.1.1. The welfare level of students in the school is very high: 82% answering a lot and the remaining 12% scored enough. Likewise, the views on the usefulness and interest of the activities are also very good rating 81% a lot and 19% quite. We could conclude that the degree of student satisfaction is very high, both for their welfare at for the activities they develop.