Copyright© Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. Upon completion of this module, faculty participants will apply effective learning strategies for online delivery and incorporate PPT interactions with usable interface and visual design. Objective
Copyright© Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. Topics and skills to be covered : ▫ Create course content, files, and folders ▫ Create a learning module ▫ Incorporate SCORM based assessment Agenda
Copyright© Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. 1.Have you created your course syllabus? 2.Have you add a banner to your Bb course site? ▫ Why banner? Add visual interest. Add style to the Bb course. Can also contain useful information such as instructor name, . 3.Have you set the Announcements page as the course entry page? 4.Have you organize your Bb course menu according to its function? Before we start C OURSE T ITLE INSTRUCTOR NAME
Copyright© Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. Strategies to organizing 16 weeks of lecture How to create content, files, and folders Create course content, files, and folders
Copyright© Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. Create weekly folders to help organize lecture files and course materials ▫ Weekly folder – focus on weekly progress ▫ Unit folder – focus on content Strategies to organizing 16 weeks of lecture Example of how course unit content is commonly structured: Week1 (Unit 1)Week2 (Unit 2)Week3 (Unit 3) Readings Lecture presentation Resources Assignment Readings Lecture presentation Discussion Review exam Readings Learning activity Exam Week 1 (August 9 – 13) The Nature of the dataUnit 1 (August 9 – 27) Introduction to Statistics
Copyright© Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. Provide a short description to each folder to help students perceive and manage what is required. Strategies to organizing 16 weeks of lecture (continued) Week 1 Week 1 (August 9 – 13) The Nature of the data The learning objective of this week is to understand and differentiate the four levels of measurement. VS.
Copyright© Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. Determine types of material to be posted in each weekly/unit folder ▫ Readings, reference materials, web resources ▫ Assignments, project guidelines ▫ Lecture presentations ▫ Others? If appropriate, determine types of learning to be incorporated ▫ Discussion (problem/scenario based) ▫ Drill and practice (test, exam, quiz using Adobe Presenter) Strategies to organizing 16 weeks of lecture (continued)
Copyright© Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. ConceptProcedurePrinciple DefinitionA set of examples that share some common characteristics (an event, idea, or object) An ordered set of actions to achieve a goal (a technique, method, or skill) A cause-effect relationship in order to determine how things are related BicycleWhat are the characteristics? How to ride?Why it moves? ComputingWhat is a CPU?How to install a CPU?How does it work? (e.g., input/output devices) ManagementWhat is Force field analysis? How to conduct?When change can be proceeded? (e.g., support and resistant) Content Conversion (Learning Strategies) : Types of knowledge
Copyright© Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. Types of Knowledge “The learners will explain in their own words what a CPU (central processing unit) is.” This is a type of learning on A A B B Procedure knowledge C C Principle knowledge Conceptual-understanding
Copyright© Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. Types of Knowledge “The learners will install a CPU on a motherboard.” This is a type of application level learning on A A B B Procedure knowledge C C Principle knowledge Conceptual knowledge
Copyright© Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. What is the best way to teach a fact, a concept, a rule, and a procedure? WWWExampleStrategyPresentation FactsBrowsers are used to retrieve Information stored on WWW Recall via show and tell Show how a web browser retrieves Information stored on WWW. ConceptsWWW is a network of interlinked hypertext documents accessed via the Internet Integration and organization List the characteristics of url, http, browsers, and how ideas relate to each other. Principles & Rules Browsing information on WWW requires Internet connection Integration, organization, elaboration Provide examples of downloading speed between 56k dial-up and 512k broadband connections. ProceduresUsing Google Sites to create a personal web site for sharing projects. Demonstration, organization, practice Use screencast to show learners step-by-step how to create a simple web site.
Copyright© Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. Points to ponder when converting lesson units Teacher-ledSelf-paced Mastery (Bloom’s Taxonomy) Presentation, group work…Presentation, group work? In class, Take homeOnline, In-class, Take home? Lesson Unit Mode Learning Objective Activities Assessment Strategies Face-to-Face (f2f)Online Presentation, discussion, games, simulation, lab, etc. Presentation, discussion, games, simulation, and ?
Copyright© Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. T + Visuals T + Audio T + Video T + Interaction T + Gaming T + SimulationNRW + user control + show & tell + online test and practices NRW + user control + online test and practices NRW + persona In-class, take home, discussion + online test and practices NRW + animation + user control NRW + persona + show & tell In-class, take home, discussion NRW + animationIn-class, take home, discussion Strategies for converting lesson units online Strategies Assessment F2F & Online Method Text (T) In-class, take home, discussionNotes, readings, web resources (NRW)
Copyright© Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. So, converting lesson units online is not Just converting content But to also consider transforming your teaching style and methods Should I incorporate these teaching strategies: Problem/Scenario based Multimedia rich Games/simulation Line by line text driven OR Just ignore (change) student’s behavior? A final thought…
Copyright© Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. Adding content through content areas using content types How to create course content, files, and folders MATH 117 Statistical Methods for Management I Allows attach a file; and additional description Allows attach a file; but not additional description
Copyright© Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. Folders help organize content into smaller units that contain the objectives, “to-do List,” resources, activities, and assessments for each section or week of the course. How to: Create folders and add content MATH 117 Statistical Methods for Management I All of the content types available in Content Areas can be added to a folder.
Copyright© Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. Use a Content Folder for: ▫ Distinct “units” of content that begin with objectives and a “To-Do List.” ▫ Units of content that do not require sequential experiences. ▫ Units of content that contain resources, activities, and assessments with 8 or fewer elements in each folder Use a Learning Module for: ▫ Units of content that require sequential experiences (e.g., students must go through content in order). ▫ Content best displayed by being “tied together” in a visual manner. ▫ Content with many levels in which the table of contents would be helpful for students to keep track of their location in the learning activity. Content folder and Learning module
Copyright© Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. A Learning module help organize content in sequence that students are required to go through them in order. How to: Create a Learning modular MATH 117 Statistical Methods for Management I Learning modules enable you to follow a structured path for progressing through content
Copyright© Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. Have the Presenter SCORM-compliant file ready (the ZIP file created from the Day 3 training). Create a SCORM based assessment MATH 117 Statistical Methods for Management I Allows you to import your Adobe Presenter SCORM-compliant assessment (in ZIP file)
Copyright© Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. SCORM files enables Adobe Presenter files (or any SCORM compliant authoring files) to be exported (via zipped packages) into Blackboard A SCORM package can tie grades into grade center, tracking, etc into Blackboard. How to Upload SCORM Files into Blackboard