Project Management in the Registrar’s Office Session # M1.09 February 13, 2011
Your Presenter: Nancy L. Umphres, Business Analyst *Over 23 years in higher education *Over 8 years in PeopleSoft experience; previous experience in SCT/Banner
So many projects... who gets priority? With different issues from course catalog to registration, transcripts, and degree audits, the Registrar's Office handles many different constituent concerns. Managing resources, people, project tasks and to-dos are vital.
Overview - Managing resources, people, project tasks and to-dos 1. Cover decision-making and prioritizing projects 2. Cover human aspects of project management 3. Cover project migration at the UofA using the PHIRE software 4. Cover tips (lessons learned) in project management
o As the flagship campus of the University of Arkansas System, the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville serves as the state’s major center of liberal and professional education. o In 2011, U.S. News and World Report ranked the University among the top tier of institutions of higher education.
Dale Bumpers School of Agricultural, Food & Life Sciences Fay Jones School of Architecture J. William Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences Sam M. Walton College of Business College of Education and Health Professions College of Engineering Graduate School School of Law Honors College Global Campus The University of Arkansas offers more than 200 academic programs in these Colleges and Schools
Office of the Registrar Student Records Transfer Credit Veteran Certification Residency Reclassification Graduation/Commencement Registration Curriculum and Class Scheduling Centralized Classroom Scheduling Reporting Security ISIS Project Management for Student Records
SR Project Sources SSIS – PeopleSoft (initial implementation 2003; upgrade 2007; upgrade 2010 – migrated 173 projects) * Modifications, Enhancements, Issue Resolution * Patch/fixes and continual delivery 3 rd Party Vendors Auxiliary Systems New legislation and/or changes to University policies 113 projects from the above sources in 2011
1. Decision-making and prioritizing projects A. Evaluate Demand B. Evaluate Population C. Evaluate Immediacy D. Evaluate Practices
1. Decision-making and prioritizing projects A. Evaluate Demand/source *What type of impact will the project have? Productional/improved service/strict enhancement *Is the source of the request area-specific or general in nature? Administrative/legislative/campus constituents
1. Decision-making and prioritizing projects B. Evaluate Population *Who will be affected by this project request? Productional/auxiliary/campus constituents *Is the area affected able to conduct business? Productional or enhancement
1. Decision-making and prioritizing projects C. Evaluate Immediacy *After evaluating (A) and (B), how quickly does it need to be done? Productional/administrative/legislative/campus constituents
1. Decision-making and prioritizing projects D. Evaluate Practices *Can we do it a better way? *Has the need for the service gone away?
2. Human aspects of project management Establishing strong elements of trust, interdependency, and accountability need to be present in the team behavior for a successful team* Setting higher standards, being transparent and creating a strong team ethic helps teams achieve better performance* If the set point is ‘above the line” then strategies to help others succeed and taking on actions such as mentoring, volunteering and facilitating would help focus on things that can be controlled* *Wong, Z. (2007). Human factors in project management. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
3.Project migration at the UofA using the PHIRE software
4. Cover tips (lessons learned) in project management #1 – One size does not fit all! Be open to new ideas and concepts #2 – Beware the role of “superuser” #3 – Encourage areas to be vested in common goals #4 – Use available software/systems to assist you in managing projects
Questions? Shared perspectives?
Contacts: Nancy L. Umphres Business Analyst Student Records & Academic Advisement Office of the Registrar 146 Silas H. Hunt Hall
Presentations can be downloaded from the SACRAO website at