These materials are prepared only for the students enrolled in the course Distributed Software Development (DSD) at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Mälardalen, Västerås, Sweden and at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, Croatia (year 2003/2004). For all other purposes, authors’ written permission is needed! The purpose of these materials is to help students in better understanding of lectures in DSD and not their replacement! NOTICE!
Selected Topics in Software Engineering - Distributed Software Development
GeoLog team project plan
What will we talk about? GeoLog? What is it? What GeoLog offers you? User types How it will be done? Activity list Who will do it?
GeoLog? What is it? A web application that combines Google Earth and blogs Focused on locations (not on people) Users write about locations or comment locations (for example parks, cities, restaurants...) Locations visible on Google Earth (GeoLog 'placemarks')
What GeoLog offers you? Find informations about places you want to visit Hear other people experiences Discuss with others Look at most popular locations (by other users judgement)
What GeoLog offers you? (II) Search locations classified into various classes (restaurants, bars, parks…) Vote for interesting content Add your own locations Add comments to existing locations
User types There are four user types: –System administrator –Content administrator –Registered user –Anonymus
User types (II) System administrator Administer system properties Assign content administrators Administer users Publish news
User types (III) Content administrator Oversee and administer content/locations Publish news Approve/administer location types
User types (IV) Registered user Add/propose location oriented content Rank other users Wote for interesting content Add content to existing locations
How it will be done? PostgreeSQL DBMS Hybernate Apache web server Java servlets JSP Dynamicaly created web page Web browser
Communication Weekly meetnigs on Skype FERWeb (news, documents...) Forum ...
Activity list Activity w45w46w47w48w49w50w51w52w01w02w03 Requirements gathering Project roles defined Project design Database definition Java core classes User module implementation Content administrator module implementation System administrator module implementation Interaction with Google Earth&Panoramio implementation Web design Testing and debugging Documentation Final delivery
Who will do it? Juraj Misur, team leader –Database implementation and maintenance, Bugzilla management, Integration Bettina Ortmayr –Application core coding, testing Panon Supiratana –Application core coding, SVN management Ana Petričić, project leader –Communication with clients, CSS & web design, documentation management Nikica Budimir –JSP coding Juraj Feljan –JSP coding Sanin Mujkić –JavaScript coding on interaction with Google and Panoramio APIs, JSP coding, testing
Thanks for listening!