Some Final Lessons Reactions to the Review Anthony F. Camilleri NCFHE Training Malta
Introductions Welcome (!!!) Introductions Scope of the Review Confidentiality Ask Participants to Introduce
Integrity & Due Professional Care You are expected to be present 100% for the interview (mentally and physically!) –no phones –no extended breaks –no web-browsing Lack of presence is a procedural issue – grounds for appeal
Address your audience Style –Casual & Conversational for students –Formal and ‘honorific’ with rector –Gender!!!! Jargon –Some groups don’t use your jargon (esp.students) –Jargon use implies definitions (which may not agree on) Targeting –Triangulation is good –Mis-addressed questions are bad
Watch your body language Body language observed: –Disapproval –Boredom –Welcoming –Judgemental
Don’t Make Judgements! DODo NOT Test your Assumptions But MAKE it CLEAR you are testing an assumption comment on appropriateness of actions of ANY interviewee Indicate your preferences from your question ask neutral questions with disapproving looks ask leading questions
Two sides of the same coin InconsistenciesPrevalence
Be Aware of your own Biases Academics like talking about their every day work –Focus on CPD –Focus on course design, assessment etc. Academics tend to speak less about –budget suitability –marketing and student acquisition –student centred learning
The Self Assessment Report 1.Introduction to the Institution 2.Governance & Structures 3.Response to the Criteria Essential to Analyse
Some thoughts on role division Agreeing the objectives of the discussion is more powerful than writing specific questions Triangulate all your questions Having primary and ‘second’ responsibilities on each topic helps with difficult interviews Let the chair ‘conduct’ the conversation