The project managed by D4.3N1: EW-OTH-GCI-0050
The Transport Research Knowledge Centre Objectives and methods of the project and achievements to date
Content 1.Objectives 2.Methods Operational networks The Reporting Scheme Transport Dimensions Priorities and scenario of project coverage Benefits for the TRKC user 5.Key achievements to date National programmes – Programme guide European and national projects TRKC extranet The TRKC at events 6.Soon to come TRKC homepage 7.Further information
Objectives Establish a comprehensive web-based Transport Research Knowledge Centre electronic hub for inter-connecting EU, ERA national, and international transport research Common Transport Research Reporting Scheme transport research analytical outputs 2 key elements key tool
Operational networks Geographic Sub-contractors Extended Network: Relaying information ERA level: Advisory Group Benchmark Group Commission level: Project Os DG TREN DG RESEARCH DG INFSO DG ENV National level (ERA- wide): governmental and public research institutions Institutional Network: Selection and validation Project Network: Collection, analysis and dissemination consortium Networks of excellence Transport professional networks & associations (eg UITP, FEHRL) Transport stakeholders
The Reporting Scheme The Common European Transport Research Reporting Scheme released in May 2003 and publicly available (web) since June Programme Form 2. Project Profile (start) 3. Progress Summary 4. Result Summary (completion) 5. Final Report (completion) The 5 elements of the Reporting Scheme
Transport dimensions - Themes for analysis -
Priorities of project coverage Every project within the TRKC will be listed with a web link and/or other contact details For every project the most relevant themes out of 26 will be identified For a selected number of projects the Reporting Scheme will be applied (project profile, progress summary, result summary) and the final report will be made available Out of the selected number of projects above, the most important ones will be chosen for analysis at three levels Priority 3 Priority 1 Priority 2
Benefits of analysis for the TRKC user Project level Theme level Policy level Brief and concise analysis of the key findings of a project in relation to the « policy objectives » and / or « tools » attributed as key labels 1.Summary of key findings of all projects contributing to a theme, taking into account the policy context Three Annual Thematic Research Summaries 2.« Do-it-yourself-analysis » unstructured list of all projects’ key findings for a given theme Key findings of selected projects or sub-clusters of projects that contribute to a policy objective or policy priority Policy Brochures
Key achievements to date
European and national programmes 300 programmes identified from 30 countries Over 150 national and EU programme forms up-loaded to TRKC site
First guide to ERA national programmes
European and national projects Over 900 EU projects listed and key themes identified Close to national projects listed
European projects
National projects
TRKC extranet TRKC extranet for project co-ordinators to submit project forms on-line
The TRKC at events DG TREN Annual Conference Nov 2002, Barcelona DG RTD Conference The Role of Civil Society June 2003, Brussels 10th ITS World Congress Nov 2003, Madrid
Soon to Come
TRKC homepage on-line
Further information The present EXTRA site TRKC enquiries desk Mr. José Anselmo at DGTREN