ELD-Animals Descriptions 4 Objective: Students will be able to compare two different animals using compare and contrast conjunctions. vocabulary word: evaluate
Our predictions for the word evaluate Something to do Something to appreciate Something to judge To determine or change the value To determine high or low To inspect something for a price
Evaluate is a verb: to appraise; to judge the worth or quality; to assess; to gauge Sample sentence: It is important to evaluate all the options when buying a new car.
The grammatical forms we will use are conjunctions in order to compare and contrast (however and on the other hand)
Think… about two animals that you would like to compare.
Adjectives that might describe various animals giganticviciousgentleterritorial tinyprotectivetimidactive sluggishselectivesociablereclusive minisculefriendlygreedy unpredictable
Our Question Sentence Frames Question: ①How would you compare a _____(animal) to a _______(different animal)? Sample Question: ①How would you compare a parrot to a bald eagle?
Our Response Sentence Frames ①A/an_______(animal name) is ________(physical attribute-adjective); however, a/an _______(different animal name) is _______(physical attribute- adjective). ②A/an_______(animal name) is ________(physical attribute-adjective); on the other hand, a/an _______(different animal name) is _______(physical attribute-adjective).
Sample Response Frames ①A parrot is sociable; however, a bad eagle is reclusive. ②A parrot is tropical ; on the other hand, a bald eagle is mountainous.