Near to the Heart of God A Study of the Book of Hebrews Lesson 23 Hebrews 10:19 – 25 Drawing Near to God
I. Introduction A.Israel and the foundation of the Second Temple (Ezra 3:8-13; Haggai 2:1-9). B.The setting of Hebrews -- My assumptions: 1. Hebrews was written before the fall of Jerusalem and the destruction of the temple. 2. The Hebrew recipients had already experienced persecution (10:32-34). 3. Severe persecution was coming (12:4). 4. Early persecution was at the hand of Jews (e.g. Paul, Acts 18:12ff.; Galatians 6:11-16). 5. Eventually, persecution will be of Jews and Christians by Rome (see Acts 18:2).
6. Hebrews’ Christians were “double dipping.” 7. Pressure was being applied to forsake Jesus and return to Judaism (Galatians 6:11-16, esp. v. 12). 8. The glory of the temple and Old Testament system seemed greater than the simplicity of New Testament worship (Psalm 137). a.House church b.Bread and wine 9. Attendance and participation in the life of the church was beginning to fall off. 10. The danger was turning back to Judaism and the Old Covenant, and rejecting the New Covenant (Christ).
C.The argument of Hebrews through chapter Jesus, the “ultimate God-man” (chapters 1-2) 2. Fallen man (chapters 3-4) 3. The need for a Mediator 4. The better way through Jesus a.A new & better priest (order of Melchizedek) b.A new & better covenant c.A new & better place of worship d.A new & better sacrifice 5. A “call to action/application” (10:19-25) 6. A strong word of warning (10:26-31) 7. Words of encouragement (10:32-39)
II. An Overview of the text (10:19-25) A.The structure of the passage 1. “Since” (2X) = the basis (a summary of the author’s argument thus far) 2. “Let us” (3X) = the application B.The essence is exhortation, but not without a strong warning to those who resist (10:26-31). C.While there is a “call to action,” this text is God- centered. It is all about God. We are to act because of who He is and what He has done. D.Note the actions urged (with encouragement): 1. Draw near (v. 22) 2. Hold fast (v. 23) 3. Encourage others (vss )
E.Note the order of the three exhortations: E. Draw near F. Hold fast G. Encourage others F.Note the individual and the corporate aspects of the exhortations. G.Note the generality of these exhortations – where is the specific application? The first specific application given pertains to our place in the local church.
III. Conclusion A.So what do we learn about the church in the Book of Hebrews? 1. We are not to forsake our gathering together with the church, and are to use this context to minister to others (verse 25). 2. What do we learn about evangelism? a. Hebrews is the gospel. b. The church gathering is not primarily for evangelism, but rather is primarily for the edification of saints (verse 25). c. Evangelism occurs as the church goes outside the camp (13:12-13). d. “What goes on in church does not stay in the church.”
e. We need not (indeed, dare not) use gimmickry or manipulative methods (see Paul in 2 Cor. 2:17; 4:1-4) since God writes His law on men’s hearts (2 Cor. 3:3-6; see also Romans 10:6-10). f. We can be bold in our proclamation of the gospel, due to the New Covenant (2 Corinthians 3-4; esp. 3:3). 3. What do we learn about worship? a. Worship is surely one way of drawing near to God. b. No need for a certain earthly place (Jerusalem, or the temple), but only the presence of Jesus (see John 4:20-26). c. Worship centers around Christ and the New Covenant inaugurated by His blood. d. How often should we celebrate this by observing the Lord’s Table? e. Simplicity: We do not need huge gatherings & fancy accommodations, but only a few believers, bread, and wine.
4. What do we learn about priesthood and ministry? a. Jesus is seated in heaven. His one offering is sufficient and He lives forever; we need but one Great High Priest (Hebrews 7:23- 25; 9:11-15, etc.). b. We need no mediator other than Christ. c. We are a kingdom of priests; no separate, elite group of priests. d. Ministry is no longer “top-down,” but mutual (“one another”), for which the church regularly gathers (10:25). e. We should not gather merely to receive ministry, but to minister to others. f. A New Testament gathering as described in the Scriptures best encourages and facilitates the teaching of Hebrews (e.g. 1 Corinthians 14).
5. Why is New Testament church polity and practice so important? a. Because it is the first specific exhortation in the conclusion to Hebrews. b. Because of what Jesus taught (Matthew 16:18; 18:15-20). c. Because of Paul’s teaching & practice (1 Timothy 2:1-7; 3:15; 1 Cor. 12:27; Ephesians 4:12; Colossians 1:24). d. Because the church is to go out with the gospel and plant new churches. e. Because it works: N.T. ecclesiology is portable/transportable. B.Exhortation: Make a commitment to follow the author’s exhortations, and to then seek to find specific applications
Copyright © 2009 by Robert L. Deffinbaugh. This is the edited PowerPoint presentation of Lesson 23 in the series, Near to the Heart of God, A Study of the Book of Hebrews prepared by Robert L. Deffinbaugh for January 18, Anyone is at liberty to use this lesson for educational purposes only, with or without credit.