You must understand the topic or situation to avoid useless and unnecessary writing. Think about how you are going to start and end, then decide what comes in the middle. A little bit like a sandwich or burger, you have the two slices of bread or bun and then you build the filling.
Think about what the tone or feel of the writing should be. How will it make people feel when they read it? The first sentence is very important as it introduces your writing.
Give yourself some motivation. It is really terrible sitting in front of a blank page not knowing how to write or how to start or if the computer will explode if you hit the wrong key. Brainstorm some ideas. Write down ideas with no attention to connection or content START WRITING!!! Start with something enjoyable that will make you want to write further.
Give yourself a pat on the back for starting to write. You tackled that big mountain. Once that is done, start working on getting down the mountain. Just because you started doesn't mean that you can rest. Write, write, WRITE! It is at least easier than starting.
REST………………………….. When you've finished writing take a rest... Then spell check and edit your work. Then you can share it or do with it what you are supposed to. The most important thing is: YOU HAVE CLIMBED UP AND DOWN THAT GIGANTIC MOUNTAIN!!!edit your work