Concurrent Engineering & Teamwork
Project management is the planning, scheduling, and controlling of those activities that must be performed to achieve project objectives.
2 Basic Parts of Project Management Process: Project management requires coordinating a series of processes, which typically include planning, scheduling and controlling. Objective: Project management manages those processes towards the achievement of the specific goal of the project.
The goal of the project (what it wants to do) is directly linked to its processes (how it wants to do it), and vice-versa.
Teamwork in Industry “No more piece-by-piece, step-by-step production. Now it’s teams. Teams of product and manufacturing engineerings, designers, planners, financing and marketing people- together from the start…” USA Today
Why Teams? Engineers are asked to solve complex problems More factors must be considered in design than ever before Many corporations are international, with design and manufacturing engineering operations spread across the globe Since Time to Market is important to competitive advantage, concurrent engineering is widely used Corporations are increasingly using project management principles
SURVIVAL A Simulation Game A Simulation Game Groups of 3
Team Attributes A common goal or purpose. Team members are individually committed to that purpose Leadership. One member may be appointed as leader, every member should contribute to the leadership Each member makes unique contributions to the project Effective team communication Creative spark Harmonious relationships among team members Effective planning & use of resources
Team Member Attributes Attendance Responsible Abilities Creative & Energetic Personality
Team Leadership Structures Traditional Model Implies a strong leader who directs actions of the group Participative Model Leader is positioned closely to all members & implies accountability of the leader to the members Flat Model Emphasizes leader as a working member/as an equal. Leadership may shift with individual’s expertise Consultant Model Shows relationship between student team & instructor No one right model. Team needs to choose structure that models how the group wants to perform.
How Teams Make Decisions Consensus all members find common ground through creative sharing & solutions Majority Option that received most votes winds Minority Small subset of the team (subcommittee) makes decision Expert Someone with authority (may or may not be part of the team) can give advice Authority Rule without Discussion A strong leader makes decisions without seeking team advice Authority Rule with Discussion A leader making a decision with input from team members
Project Managers Plan work requirements Plan schedules Direct resource use (people, money, materials, and equipment) A popular management tool is a Gantt Chart
Making a Gantt chart in Excel (what is the history of the Gantt chart?) Google documents – use template