Technology Opportunity Centers Technology Innovation Challenge Grant TOC Centers opened ARC 2002 – TOC Centers opened ARC TOC Centers opened ARC TOC Centers opening
21 Centers Opened 10,133 Adults Trained 515,982 Total Usage Sustainability Plan in place, 12 centers continuing the project through the EdVenture Group Technology Opportunity Centers $4.2 Million (5 Year Project) 1996 United States Department of Education The Background….
Technology Opportunity Center $250,000-1 Year Project 2003 Appalachian Regional Commission 10 Centers 40 Community Courses Completed Over 800 Community Members Trained 50,049 Total Usage Funding for TOC Lab Upgrades
TOC-Level 3 $200,000-1 Year Project 2004 Appalachian Regional Commission 7 New Centers 28 Community Courses to be offered Over 560 Community Members Trained 50,599 Total Usage Lab Upgrades Funded
A day in the life of a TOC… The TOC is great. We actually learned to program Visual Basic. -High School Student, TOC Participant Students-use the TOCs for research, career exploration opportunities and participation in computer laboratory sessions that support their coursework. Teachers-use the TOCs for curriculum integration, professional development and sharing technology resources during faculty In-services. Community, Parents, Businesses-use the TOCs for hands-on training of various software applications and Internet tools. Many course participants are using a computer for the very first time.
Preferred Lab Requirements Projector Screen Printer At least 15 Computers Scanner Miscellaneous Supplies (Paper, Printer Cartridges) Internet and Microsoft Office Suite I dont know what we would do without our TOC. It has provided a wonderful opportunity for our students and staff and supported the training needs of Bridgeports business community. My classes are always full! -Pat Ramsburg, Bridgeport H.S. TOC Director
Class Details Intro to Basic, Basic & Intermediate Courses Microsoft Office Internet 6-9pm one night per week for 5 or 10 weeks Two five-week Introduction to Basic, Two ten-week courses (basic and/or intermediate)
Scheduling of Community Courses All training is FREE To register, call Gloria Patterson at