By: Andres Llano, Alejandro Osorio & Daniela Zuñiga
The paralympics are games that combine the sport with disable people, so the people that in some way is “different” to us can have an important competition for their own, actually the paralympics are the second most important sport-competition, after the Olympics.
Prothesis: One of the most common types of disability. The prothesis have been improved by time with science. Scientists are trying to make this better, to make it even better than the structure of the human leg, also this is a big improvement in science. This helps the people that miss one part of the body to have a normal lifestyle.
The science is a very important part of this! Paralympics are literally based on science. In a paralympic was prooved a robotic prothesis that coul re make a human leg, and it had the same movement as a human leg, and the ligaments were also incorporated in this leg. At the football games, they have make an improved way to the blind to feel if the ball is near, incorporating some tiny balls into the ball. Also the prothesis. This for us is the most incredible of paralympics, the way the had make a way for people with amputations to move thris extremities.
Science, technology offers many different ways to help people with disabilities and lead them live a normal live. The Paralympics are based on technology; all the things used in the stadiums, or in the participants are made with technology. Technology and Paralympics helped people with disabilities to reach their personal and professional’s goals.
The problem with the disable people is the way they think, when for them one day to another have a disability, first all their ideas are negative ideas, they always think, on what is gong to say the other, they think about haw they are going to have the money for their technological things. They always has a bland mind. When someone has a disability they don’t assess their self, and all for them is problem. All this factors, cultural, moral, political, ethical, social, economic and environmental. The Paralympics is a very important event for people with disabilities. It is a significant feeling for them, a positive and sensitive feeling. This international sport event had changed many people’s thinks and feelings, most of them in a positive way.
Helps people that goes to accept disabilities, and to learn how to respect other people.
They have their mind in the games, and that helps them to make a goal. So the participation in this games is not useless. It also help them to have self-confidence and it teaches the other people to accept them.
This helps, because as they have a goal (medal=money) it would really help the people. Also they need people or campanies that are used as sponsors, which would also affect them economically, it can be good or bad.
People accept them, they began at the creation of the paralympics. People can learn (because paralympics) that disabled people is just how we are, is totally normal.