Letters Ablaza, Geraldine Castillo, Lian Sabella Daella, Paula Angelica Dimayacyac, Kristina Liao, Mara Laise Quinto, Jarren James Teng, Grizelda Tenorio, Ma. Clarissa Andrea TREDTRI NO2
Epistle Twenty-one books of the New Testament – Pauline Epistles – General Epistles
Pauline Epistles Letters of St. Paul call after the group of peoples to whom they are addressed. Divided into two categories: – Nine epistles written to the church – Four pastoral and personal epistles
Romans To introduce Paul to the Romans and to give a sample of his message before he arrives Rome. 57 CE – Paul was preparing for his visit to Jerusalem What to Believe – Sinfulness of humanity – Forgiveness of sin through Christ – Freedom from sin’s grasp – Israel’s past, present and future How to Believe – Personal responsibility – Personal Notes
1 Corinthians To identify the problems in the Corinthian church, to offer solutions, and to teach the believers how to live for Christ in a corrupt society. 55 CE – Near the end of Paul’s three-year ministry in Ephesus. Paul addresses church problems – Divisions in the church – Disorder in the church Paul answers church questions – Instruction on Christian Message – Instruction on Christian freedom – Instruction on public worship – Instruction on ressurrection
2 Corinthians To affirm Paul’s ministry, defend his authority as an apostle, and refute the false teachers in Corinth CE – From Macedonia Paul explains his actions Paul defends his ministry Paul defends the collection Paul defends his authority
Galatians To refute the Judaizers and to call Christians to faith and freedom in Christ. Judaizers – Taught that Gentile believers must obey the Jewishh law in order to be saved 49 CE – From Antioch Authenticity of the gospel Superiority of the gospel Freedom of the gospel
Ephesians To strengthen the believers in Ephesus in their Christian faith by explaining the nature and purpose of the church, the body of Christ 60 CE – From Rome during Paul’s imprisonment Unity in Christ Unify in the body of Christ
Philippians To thank the Philippians for the gift they sent Pail and to strengthen these believers by showing them that true joy comes from Jesus Christ alone 61 CE – From Rome during Paul’s imprisonement Joy in suffering Joy in serving Joy in believing Joy in giving
Colossians To combat errors in the church and to show that believers have everything they need in Christ 60 CE – At Rome during Paul’s imprisonment What Christ has do What Christians should do
1 Thessalonians To strengthen the Thessalonian Christians in their faith and give them the assurance of Christ’s return 51 CE – From Corinth, one of Paul’s earliest letters Faithfulness to the Lord Watchfulness for the Lord
2 Thessalonians To clear up the confusion about the second coming of Christ Written a month after 1 Thessalonians was written The bright hope of Christ’s return Living in the light of Christ’s return
1 Timothy To give encouragement and instruction to Timothy, a young leader 64 CE – From Rome or Macedonia, (possibly Philippi), probably just prior to Paul’s final imprisonment in Rome Instructions on right belief Instructions for the church Instructions for elders
2 Timothy To give final instructions and encouragement to Timothy, pastor of the church at Ephesus 66 or 67 CE – After a year or two of freedom, Paul was arrested again and executed under Emperor Nero. Foundations of Christian service Difficult times for Christian service
Titus To advise Titus in his responsibility of supervising the churches on the island of Crete 64 CE – From Macedonia when Paul traveled between his Roman imprisonments Leadership in the church Right living in the church Right living in the society
Philemon To convince Philemon to forgive his runaway slave, Onesimus, and to accept him as a brother in the faith. 60 CE – Paul’s first imprisonment in Rome Paul’s appreciation of Philemon Paul’s appeal for Onesimus
General Epistles Named after their respective authors, with the exception of Hebrews
Hebrews To present the sufficiency and superiority of Christ 70 CE – Probably before the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem The Superiority of Christ – Christ is greater than the angels – Christ is greater than Moses – Christ is greater than the Old Testament priesthood – The new covenant is greater than the Old The Superiority of Faith
James To expose hypocritical practices and to teach right Christian behavior 49 CE – Probably prior the Jerusalem council held in 50 CE Genuine religion Genuine faith Genuine wisdom
1 Peter To offer encouragement to suffering Christians Around CE – Possibly from Rome God’s great blessings to his people The conduct of God’s people in the midst of suffering The shepherding of God’s people in the midst of suffering
2 Peter To warn Christians about false teachers and to exhort them to grow in their faith in and knowledge of Christ 67 CE – 3 years after 1 Peter was written – Possibly from Rome Guidance for growing Christians Danger to growing Christians Hope for growing Christians
1 John To reassure Christians in their faith and to counter false teachings Between 85 and 90 CE – From Ephesus God is light God is love God is life
2 John To emphasize the basics of following Christ— truth and love—and to warn against false teachers Around 90 CE – About same time as 1 John – From Ephesus Watch out for false teachers John’s final words
3 John To commend Gaius for his hospitality and to encourage him in his Christian life Around 90 CE – From Ephesus God’s children live by the standards of the gospel John’s final words
Jude To remind the church of the need for constant vigilance—to keep strong in the faith and to oppose heresy Around 65 CE The danger of false teachers The duty to fight for God’s truth