What is Romanticism? Romanticism is a reaction to the Age of Reason
The Age of Reason Time Period: roughly Time Period: roughly The Enlightenment, or the age of reason, is often closely linked with the Scientific Revolution, for both movements emphasized reason, science, and rationality The Enlightenment, or the age of reason, is often closely linked with the Scientific Revolution, for both movements emphasized reason, science, and rationality Time Period: roughly Time Period: roughly The Enlightenment, or the age of reason, is often closely linked with the Scientific Revolution, for both movements emphasized reason, science, and rationality The Enlightenment, or the age of reason, is often closely linked with the Scientific Revolution, for both movements emphasized reason, science, and rationality
What is Romanticism? Romanticism is also a rejection of Classicism: the precepts of order, calm, harmony, balance, idealization, and rationality (logos!) were replaced with the subjective, the irrational, the imaginative, the personal, the spontaneous, the emotional, the visionary, and the transcendental (pathos!)
What did the Romantics Believe?
The Natural World Focus on the beauty of natureFocus on the beauty of nature That trying to control was dangerousThat trying to control was dangerous That nature provides solace or comfort to the individualThat nature provides solace or comfort to the individual
The Natural World Glorification of the Common PlaceGlorification of the Common Place Belief in the supernaturalBelief in the supernatural
The Individual Romanticism favored the idea of the Individual This Individual is Percy Bysshe Shelley, Mary’s husband!
The Individual The Romantics had a preoccupation with the genius, the hero, and the exceptional figure They focused on his passions and inner struggles They viewed the artist as a supremely individual creator, whose creative spirit is more important than strict adherence to formal rules and traditional procedures They emphasized imagination as a gateway to the transcendental, leading to belief in...
The Supernatural !!! Which leads us to: The Gothic Novel!
The Gothic Novel The Gothic novel took shape mostly in England from 1790 to 1830 and falls within the category of Romantic literature.
The Gothic Novel The Gothic is far from limited to this set time period, as it takes its roots from former terrorizing writing that dates back to the Middle Ages, and can still be found written today by writers such as Stephen King
The Gothic Novel Gothic novel could be seen as a description of a fallen world.Gothic novel could be seen as a description of a fallen world. We experience this fallen world though all aspects of the novel: plot, setting, characterization, and theme. We experience this fallen world though all aspects of the novel: plot, setting, characterization, and theme. This leads us to the Gothic Hero...This leads us to the Gothic Hero...
No! Not these kinds of goths!
Gothic Archetypes Gothic Hero: isolated either voluntarily or involuntarily Villian: epitome of evil, either by his (usually a man) own fall from grace, or by some implicit malevolenceVillian: epitome of evil, either by his (usually a man) own fall from grace, or by some implicit malevolence The Wanderer, found in many Gothic tales, is the epitome of isolation as he wanders the earth in perpetual exile, usually a form of divine punishmentThe Wanderer, found in many Gothic tales, is the epitome of isolation as he wanders the earth in perpetual exile, usually a form of divine punishment
Who was Mary Shelley? Born in 1797 to 2 leading intellectuals: Mary Wollstonecraft and William Godwin Married Percy Shelley at the age of 16 At the age of 18 she wrote Frankenstein: The Modern Prometheus Frankenstein is the greatest example of British Romanticism in the novel form
Mary Shelley’s background (August 30, 1797-February 1, 1851) Born on August 30 th Mother: Mary Wollstonecraft a famous feminist author who died 11 days after giving birth to Mary Father: William Godwin A famous 19 th century philosopher who believed in the rights of the individual.
Shelley’s marriage At 15 years of age Mary met her future husband Percy Bysshe Shelley, a disciple of William Godwin and a famous poet. At age 16, runs off with Shelley, who was already married After his first wife commits suicide, Percy Bysshe Shelley convinces Mary to elope with him in France when she was 17.
The Rest of the Story Percy and Mary were outcast from their society, spending the remainder of their life in Italy Percy drowned when Mary was 24 Mary spent the rest of her life dedicated to her mother’s work, the rights of women Mary died of a brain tumor in 1851
Shelley’s Tragedies She gave birth to 4 children in 5 years. 3 of them died in infancy Shelley lost her husband in a boating accident after only 8 years of marriage Critics say that Frankenstein is greatly influenced by the themes of Birth and Death
The Making of Frankenstein On 19 March 1815 Shelley recorded in her journal, after the death of her first child: "Dream that my little baby came to life again--that it had only been cold & that we rubbed it before the fire & it lived."
Byron’s Challenge In the summer of 1816, Percy and Mary visit Lord Byron’s estate in Switzerland. The summer of 1816 had cold weather because a massive volcano in Indonesia erupted. Because of the gloomy weather, Byron challenged his guests to create the best horror story.
The creation of Frankenstein At Byron’s estate, Mary has a dream about a man who plans to bring life to the dead. She turns her idea into a story that wins Byron’s contest. Mary’s husband encourages her to turn the story into a novel. In 1818, Shelley publishes the novel at the age of 19.
What the book isn’t:
The Title of the Novel The name “Frankenstein” originates not from the Creature, but the Creator, Victor Frankenstein. Victor, like Shelley, suffers the loss of many loved ones at an early age. He creates his creature as a way to bring back the dead.
The Modern Prometheus Mary Shelley’s subtitle for Frankenstein is “The Modern Prometheus” In Greek Mythology, the titan Prometheus stole fire from the sun and gave it to humanity. This angered the Greek god Zeus who did not want humans to control fire. He was punished by being chained to a rock while an eagle would feast on his liver. The Prometheus Myth has become a metaphor of what happens when humans get a hold of something they cannot control and reach beyond their ability.
The Characters Victor Frankenstein – the science student The Monster – Frankenstein’s creation Robert Walton – explorer and ship captain Elizabeth Lavenza – Victor’s fiancé Henry Clerval – Victor’s friend The DeLaceys– French family
The Creature Unlike the Hollywood stereotype, the Creature is an intelligent being whose rage stems from his neglect from Victor.
The Doppelganger The story is a Doppelganger, or German word for “double image.” Both the Creature and Victor mirror each other in their effort to destroy the other. The Doppelganger represents a divided self, or two alter egos who are more alike than different.
The Structure of the Novel 3 layers of storytelling –Walton’s Letters –Victor’s Story –Monster’s Story WHY? –Credibility –Levels of reality –All three cross unknown boundaries
Themes in the book: (((A more realistic Creature!
Dangerous Knowledge Should we fool around with Nature?Should we fool around with Nature? Are there laws (“God’s Laws”) that are off limits to humanity?Are there laws (“God’s Laws”) that are off limits to humanity? Prometheus Myth: He stole fire from the Gods for humans. He was punished for eternity by being tied to a rock and having a vulture eat his liver every morningPrometheus Myth: He stole fire from the Gods for humans. He was punished for eternity by being tied to a rock and having a vulture eat his liver every morning
Nothing In Excess Stressed importance of leading balanced and moderate lifestyle During Shelley’s time, people were struggling to adjust to the Industrial Age In our time, we struggle to balance our humanity with our dependence on technology
Sublime Nature Throughout the novel, pay attention to how the characters are influenced by the natural world. Also note Shelley’s long descriptions of the natural world. This is classic Romanticism!
Central Questions in the Novel 1.To what extent are we responsible for our own actions or the actions of others? 2.Can we recreate the past? 3.What is the source of the conflict between reason and feeling? 4.What is the nature of evil? 5.What are the consequences of defying the laws of nature?