West Virginia Department of Education Office of Special Programs OSP Monthly Phone Call July 19, 2012
Topics Grant Applications – High Cost/High Acuity Reimbursement – Out-of-State Reimbursement – Out-of-County Reimbursement High Cost/High Acuity Application Review Out-of-State Child Count Out-of-State Tips
High Cost/High Acuity Students whose individual educational expenses cost the district $32,100 or more per year to provide appropriate services and/or Students placed in an out-of-state facility by the court system and DHHR
Out-of-State Reimbursement Students placed in an out-of-state facility by the IEP Team OHIO MD PA VA KY
Out-of-County Reimbursement Those students placed in your district by DHHR but are not residence of your county (placed in a group home, shelter, etc.)
High Cost/High Acuity Funding Source High Cost (IDEA Funding) High Acuity (State Appropriated Funding) When the high acuity funding was appropriated by the Legislature, the High Cost Plan for IDEA funding also met the requirements for the high acuity funding. Subsequently, the plan was revised to include reimbursement from both funding sources.
High Cost/High Acuity Fund Eligibility for Reimbursement Definition: Individual application for an eligible SWD who: is 3-21 years of age has a current IEP lives within the LEA requesting funds or receives special education and related services within the LEA court-ordered out-of-state placements (NEW in FY12) cost is equal to or greater than $32,100 annually (reduced from last years criteria of $45,000 annually) 7
High Cost/High Acuity Fund Excluded and Included Categories for Eligibility IEP Placed Out of State Students Students with disabilities placed out-of-state by the district may not be submitted for reimbursement through the High Cost Expenditure Fund. Out of County Placements Students placed into a district by another agency (i.e. foster care and emergency shelters), may be submitted for reimbursement, but all High Cost/High Acuity criteria requirements must also be met. Reimbursement will not be provided under both high cost/high acuity and out-of-county funding reimbursement mechanisms.
High Cost/High Acuity Fund – FY 2012 Total FY12 Funds Available - $2,357,479 – Includes balance of high acuity carry over from FY 2011 Applications to be submitted semi-annually – July 1-Dec 31, 2011 – Due February 17, 2012 – Jan 1-June 30, 2012 – Due July 30, 2012 Total funds available for 2012 were divided equally between the two periods. – $1,178, available each submission period.
High Cost/High Acuity Fund Eligible Expenses Costs required to provide direct special education and related services, as identified in the students IEP: Personnel (teachers, aides, service providers) including extended school year Evaluations recommended by IEP Team and documented on IEP Supplementary classroom materials for specially designed instruction Assistive technology services or devices identified on the students IEP Equipment (mats, prone stander) Construction (ramp, handicap accessible bathroom) Special transportation Educational cost for court ordered out-of-state students (NEW)
Completion of Application Application Process – Court Ordered Out-of-State Placements Students from child count March 2011 affecting the FY12 LEA state funding Same students for which districts applied in February 2012 Only complete: Page 1 (Parts I, II & III) AND Page 6 (Part VI Total reimbursement Due to County Students Placed in Out-of-State Facility Through the Court System) This submission ONLY: no other documentation is required
Completion of Application – In district High Cost/High Acuity Student (this website contains the application, instructions and other information related to Out-of-State Placements)
Completion of Application Submit IEP in effect Jan-June 2012 (if a new IEP has been developed for next year, submit the old IEP) Submit completed application - All pages except Page 6 (Out-of-State only) Submit all supporting documentation (see directions for examples). nsforTraining.pdf nsforTraining.pdf
Out-of-State Child Count March 2011 affected FY12 LEA Grant October 2011 affecting FY13 LEA Grant – The August 2011 Facts Report, received in September with instructions to enroll these students back in your district for the Second Month Report October 2012 affecting FY14 LEA Grant – The August 2012 Facts Report, you will receive in September to enroll for Second Month Report
Common Misunderstandings If I participate in an IEP Team meeting, I have to pay. By refusing to participate in an IEP Team meeting of a student that I think is not my responsibility, I will be absolved of later payment. If I sign the IEP, I am agreeing with everything in it. As the LEA, I am responsible to ensure 100% compliance with IEP file review standards.
TIPS to Working with Out-of-State Facilities 1.Participate in the IEP Team meetings. 2.Provide information (WESTEST scores, transition assessment data, transition data, etc.). 3.Suggest edits. 4.Review the monthly Facts Report for accuracy. 5.Call Debbie Ashwell if you have questions.
Other Questions or Concerns Contact: Debbie Ashwell Information regarding OOS Placements High Cost/High Acuity Application (304) , ext or Janice Hay High Cost/High Acuity Application (304) , ext