Technology Update TSAG Meeting 3/11/04
Reminders CENIC (Corporation for Education Network Initiatives in California) 4CNET is being phased out. (our current Backbone Connection) Coming up real soon… Transfer will be performed during working hours. Reminder: IPX and Appletalk being phased out Friday June (Last day of academic year)
Administrative Policies Use of Campus Accounts for Endorsed by ATC Approved by the Cabinet and Provost Council Disk-Storage Quotas Endorsed by ATC Under review by the Cabinet and Provost Council Internet Service Devices Working defacto policy Under reviewed by ATC
Quotas are being Applied Enforcement is underway for: Over quota == No ! Faculty/Staff maximum storage limits: 200 MB by March 15, 2004 100 MB by April 15, 2004 Yearly review of quotas by ATC is Complete Faculty/Staff:100MB [120MB provisioned] (was 30MB) Students: 10MB [ 12MB provisioned] (was 5MB) 100MB == 4,093 average sized messages (25K)
Telnet & FTP Phase out Next Step in Tighten-up the Network Perimeter Goal: Block all “inbound” network connections to Telnet and FTP servers from the Internet FTP/Telnet phase out: April 15, 2004 Exceptions: access to the Library’s on-line catalog anonymous ftp server (no password logins starting on Oct 15, 2004) phase out on Oct 15, 2004 Users WILL be able to use the telnet and ftp from their desktops to access servers located on the Internet!
Password Expiration CategoryMaximum Frequenc y Compliance Date ITR and Technical Support90 daysDone PS Administrators90 days2/16..3/15 Individuals with access to Confidential Information 90 days2/26.. 3/25 Faculty/Staff with only self- service roles 180 days4/15..5/15 Students (current & past)180 daysPending All other accounts90 days3/15.. 4/15
Spam: An ever growing problem! Steps in progress: Updating anti-spam tagging (SpamAssassin) Incorporating Black Lists ( SBL - Spamhaus Block List SBL CBL - Composite Blocking List CBL NJABL - Not Just Another Bogus List NJABL Need to be concerned about False Positives Bottom line: Users must decide what is spam and what is not! Local Tech support is needed to help users to Setup filters via Webmail Utilize antispam features of clients
AntiSpam Tags Available Users can configure Server or Client Side filters Available Tags: X-Spam-Flag: YES(Webmail has filter option!) X-Junkmail: YES X-Spam-Status: Yes, hits=5.6 … X-Spam-Report: * … X-Spam-Level: ***** Users need to set personalized filters. Why? false positives! TSAG members need to provide support to local users.
Universal Drive Udrive Available to all User Released to TSAG summer ‘03 Released to ECS fall ‘03 Formal Announcement Coming Allows users to use “Drag and Drop” for web page publishing Active Directory GPO to automatically map for all users MS users: \\udrive\, e.g., \\udrive\tsag\\udrive\<uid\\udrive\tsag Mac users: smb://