Enhancing the learning content through the aggregation of social data. Frans Van Assche University of Leuven President of the ARIADNE Foundation
Paradata What users say about a resource; example: a rating of a Learning Object What users do with a resource: Usage Data; example a user edits metadata
The Experience API (xAPI) Property id actor verb object result context timestamp stored authority version attachments Type UUID Object Date/Time Object Version Array of attachment Objects
xAPI example { "id": " ", "actor": { "mbox": }, "verb": { "id": " "display": { "en-US": "created" } }, "object": { "id": " }
Contextualized Attention Metadata (CAM)
xAPI example { "event": { "name": "name", "datetime": " :49:21", "eventRelatedentityRelations": [{ "eventRelatedentityId": { "relatedentity": { "name": "name1", "type":"type1", "reference": "reference1", "mimetype": "mimetype1", "metadata": [{ "metadataHash": "METADATA HASHED IN SHA-512", "metadata": "metadata1", "metadataType": "metadataType1", "metadataBinding": "metadataBinding1" }] }, "role": "role1" } },{ "eventRelatedentityId": { "relatedentity": {... }, "role": "role2" } }], "sessions": [{ "sessionId": "sessionId", "domain": "domain", "ipAddress": "ipAddress" }] } }
JSON Activity Streams Property actor content generator icon id object published provider target title updated url verb Type Object JSON [RFC4627] String Object Media Link JSON [RFC4627] String Object [RFC3339] date-time Object JSON [RFC4627] String [RFC3339] date-time JSON [RFC4627] String
xAPI example { "published": " T15:04:55Z", "actor": { "url": " "objectType" : "person", "id": "tag:example.org,2011:martin", "image": { "url": " "width": 250, "height": 250 }, "displayName": "Martin Smith" }, "verb": "post", "object" : { "url": " "id": "tag:example.org,2011:abc123/xyz" }, "target" : { "url": " "objectType": "blog", "id": "tag:example.org,2011:abc123", "displayName": "Martin's Blog" }
iTEC Usage Data Property Id Actor Verb Object Result Timestamp Stored Version ipAddress sessionId Type ID (iTEC) Character String ID (iTEC) Object Date/Time Character String URI Identifier
iTEC Example { "id": " "actor": " "verb": "edit", "object": " "result": "ok", "stored": " T14:10:05.123", "version": "1.0", "ipAddress": " "sessionId": "85C69908F30B01C09E47D8698B75AEEE" }
Recommended JSON Binding Practice WHY Make it easier to build front-ends On top of multiple back ends − Interoperability This is an invitation to technical people for collaboration
Recommended JSON Binding Practice WHAT Element names Identifiers Date/Time & Period LangString VocabularyTerm Vocabularies
Element names Display_Name display_name display-name displayName Camel case Starting with lower case
Identifier Scheme UUID or GUID – Good to know RFC See Example f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf
Date/Time & Duration Based on ISO or Example T14:10:05.123Z YYYY[-MM[-DD[Thh[:mm[:ss[.s[TZD]]]]]]] where: YYYY = four-digit year MM = two-digit month DD = two-digit day of month hh = two digits of hour (00 through 23) mm = two digits of minute (00 through 59) ss = two digits of second (00 through 59) s = one or more digits representing a decimal fraction of a second TZD = time zone designator ("Z" for UTC or +hh:mm or -hh:mm) Example Duration: P1Y3M5DT7H10M3.3S
LangString "description": [ { "lang": "en", "text": "This learning object..." }, { "lang": "nl", "text": "Dit leerobject... " } ] "description": [ { "en": "This learning object..." }, { "nl": "Dit leerobject... " } ]
Vocabulary Term "subjects": [ "508", "974" ], "categories": [ "expert", "teacher" ] A simple Token or identifier
{ "subjects": [ { "id": 508, "langString": [ { "en": "foreign language" }, { "nl": "Vreemde talen" } ] }, { "id": 974, "langString": [ { "en": "physical education" }, { "nl": "Lichamelijke opvoeding" } ] } ] } Extended
{ "subjects": [ { "id": 508, "source": " "langString": [ { "en": "foreign language" }, { "nl": "Vreemde talen" } ] }, { "id": 974, "source": " "langString": [ { "en": "physical education" }, { "nl": "Lichamelijke opvoeding" } ] } ] } Complete
Vocabulary Term "subjects": [ "508", "974" ], "categories": [ "expert", "teacher" ] Full Vocabulary needed
Enhancing the learning content through the aggregation of social data. GRNET and Ariadne Nikos Manolis
Open Discovery Space − A large-scale pilot project that tries to increase the adoption of digital learning resources by European schools − An infrastructure to allow existing learning portals and repositories to be connected
What is Social Data? Any information on the Web that describes a Web resource (identified by a URI) from the perspective of an individual user or an aggregated group of users Provide subjective interactive statements on artifacts
Social Data types Ratings Tags Comments Bookmarks Sharings
The need for aggregating An important information source to provide additional and more personalized access to learning objects Provide the opportunity to filter and recommend tailored information to a target user based on their social data profile
Developing a Social Data Management Layer Method : − A questionnaire was circulated among data providers − Cross analysis of the questionnaire results − Analysis of the various social data exposure protocols and interfaces − Social Data schema definition (existing efforts from Organic Edunet, LRE and NSDL )
ODS basis schemata Nr. Social metadata requirements CAM OrganicEdunet format Learning RegistryNSDL 1Rate++++ 2Tag++++ 3Bookmark++++ 4Share (FB, twitter, )+-++ 5share count++-+ 6Comment++++ 7Join groups Posts (discussion, blog, etc.) +- + (Google discussion) - 9following/followers+-+- Social data sum (+)9586
ODS Social Data schema
Technological Background An extended version of Ariadne Harvester is used for harvesting social data − Internal validation mechanism according to the Social Data schema validation An extended version of Ariadne Repository is used for already harvested social data management − OAI-PMH endpoint for social data exposure − Social Data are also exposed in JSON format using an extended version of the built-in RESTP API
Some indicative numbers ProviderTagsCommentsRatingsBookmarksSharingsPostsTotal Mace Organic Edunet Sum
Next Steps Harvest from more providers Expose social data as Linked Data. Connect LO Metadata with harvested Social Data. Integrate harvested social data to Portal. − Recommender subsystem. − Search subsystem.
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