Mendeley Citation Management and Research Network Helen Smith Life Sciences Library Penn State University
Mendeley Free Desktop software for Windows, Mac & Linux (will charge in future but what is free now will remain free) Manage, share, read, annotate and cite your research papers Houses citations locally, but can sync to an online library for sharing with others Powerful PDF viewer Can export citations in various formats Also a web based research network where you can share collections, collaborate with colleagues around the world, and discover research trends and statistics.
Capturing Citations Export citations directly from many databases via “bookmarklet” Import citations saved as a text file Manual Drag and drop PDFs into a folder and Mendeley extracts document details, keywords and cited references. It also looks up Cross-Ref DOIs, arXiv IDs and PubMed document details automatically. Can also have specific folders “watched” so that when PDFs are added, they are automatically added to database Syncs with Zotero library or Cite-U-Like
M ANAGE L IBRARY Mark papers as “read” or “unread”, and “star” papers to mark favorites Tag and group papers into labeled collections Attach PDFs and other files to citations Add notes and tags to citations Sync desktop library with your Mendeley Web account, so you can access and manage your resources from everywhere Keep your library database synchronized across multiple computers and even different operating systems.
M ANAGE AND VIEW PDF S Full-text searching of PDFs Rename PDFs based on bib data, e.g. “Author - Year - Title.pdf”, and sort them into corresponding folders on your computer Use the integrated PDF viewer to Capture comments and ideas on yellow sticky notes Highlight important passages with a text marker
A SSIST O UTPUT Plug-in module works with Microsoft Word for Windows, and OpenOffice for Windows and Mac Easily create bibliographies Easily change citation styles – hundreds of styles available
S HARE Public reading lists & RSS feeds Create public collections of research papers, embed them on your blog Subscribe to other public collection updates Perfect for journal clubs, sharing reading lists with students, or making your labs’ research output available as RSS feeds.
S HARE Closed & secure research collaboration space Create a closed Shared Collection and invite colleagues Share notes and annotations with members Every member of the Shared Collection has synchronized access to the files and will be able to search, tag, edit, and annotate them in Mendeley Desktop Assign tasks and discuss research right in Mendeley Web Project updates are delivered to your personalized Mendeley Web Dashboard in real time.
Discover Your own research profile: Build your academic CV on Mendeley to let others discover your expertise and increase your visibility in the scholarly community. Statistics: Interesting statistics about your article collection and the most read articles, authors, and publication outlets in your discipline. Network with fellow researchers: Find the top experts on any subject, see who’s researching what, build your personal research network and stay up to date about your colleagues’ work.
Mendeley is one stop shopping for: Citation Management PDF Viewing Creating bibliographies Sharing collections with colleagues Networking