MTAC WG 114 MTAC Workgroup 114 Establish Service Standards and Measurement Special Services Update July 11, 2007 Full Workgroup Meeting
MTAC WG 114 MTAC Workgroup 114 will explore service standards for these Special Services: –Address CorrectionsTelecon –Post Office Boxes and Caller ServicesFCM Subgroup –Business Reply Mail FCM Subgroup –Certified Mail FCM Subgroup –Registered Mail FCM Subgroup –Certificate of Mailing FCM Subgroup –Delivery Conf./Signature Conf.Packages Subgroup –Money Orders FCM Subgroup –CONFIRM Telecon –Merchandise Return Service/Packages Subgroup Bulk Parcel Return Service Service Standards for Special Services
MTAC WG 114 Address Correction Service – notice to come looking for telecon participants Post Office Box/Caller Service –Initial draft reviewed at July 10 meeting; edits and additional info to come –Discussion on Caller Service user needs Business Reply Mail/Courtesy Reply Mail: –Remittance industry to draft recs on CRM –BRM issues largely around accounting functions; draft recs being formed Certified Mail/Registered Mail: –Initial draft reviewed at July 10 meeting; edits to come –Certified = same delivery standards as FCM; Registered = different delivery standards –Both need service standards Status of Special Services Standards
MTAC WG 114 Certificate of Mailing –In search of users to help draft recommendations Delivery Confirmation/Signature Confirmation –Assigned to Packages Subgroup –Draft recs have been submitted and are being reviewed Money Orders: –Discussed at 7/11 subgroup meeting; need users to help draft recs Confirm: –Separate Subgroup –2 telecons held to date; draft recs in the works Merchandise Return Service/Bulk Parcel Return Service –Assigned to Packages Subgroup –MRS draft recs formed, being reviewed by subgroup –BPRS – need users to help form recs Status of Special Services Standards
MTAC WG 114 Work on finalizing recommendations If no users to help with forming recommendations; workgroup will not pursue Special Services Standards – Next Steps