1 Maritime Targeting and Boarding Overview
2 Objectives Notice of Arrival requirements Targeting Boardings & Examinations –Security Boardings - Targeted and Random –Compliance Exams – Safety & Security exams Expectation Communications
3 Information Responsibilities Command Center –Current status of the ports –All command centers (Federal, State, Local) –Daily Vessel Control List Joint Maritime Targeting Unit (J-MASTT) –USCG & USCBP –JTORS, including Planned Arrivals Vessel Targeting Planned Operations Reporting
4 Notices of Arrival Different requirements for: –Different classes of vessels –Different classes of cargos
5 Certain Dangerous Cargos NOA required in all cases Defined in 33 CFR
6 Tank Vessel NOA Requirements Certificate of Compliance (COC) Exams –Simplest to file NOA as notification –Initial / Renewal Exams: 7 days 46 CFR (a), (b) –Annual (33 CFR ): Voyage > 96 Hours: 96 Hours Voyage 24 to 96 Hours: Prior to Departure Voyage < 24 Hours: 24 Hours No COC Exam Required –Same as Annual COC Requirements
7 Commercial Passenger Vessel NOA Requirements 33 CFR –Voyage > 96 Hours: 96 Hours –Voyage 24 to 96 Hours: Prior to Departure –Voyage < 24 Hours: 24 Hours Certificate of Compliance (COC) Exams –Renewal: Notify OCMI 30 days prior to expiry –NOT a NOA
8 Freight Vessel NOA Requirements 33 CFR –Voyage > 96 Hours: 96 Hours –Voyage 24 to 96 Hours: Prior to Departure –Voyage < 24 Hours: 24 Hours
9 Recreational Vessel NOA Requirements Foreign Yachts are NOT Recreational Vessels per 46 USC 4301(b) –NOA regulations apply Domestic Yachts exempt –Not exempt from Customs / Immigration District Seven waiver –Foreign Yachts under 300 GT = No NOA
10 Targeting Basics USCG & USCBP Collaborative Vessels –Foreign / Domestic commercial vessels –Foreign / Domestic recreational vessels from foreign –Foreign recreational vessels > 300 GT Crew, Passengers Cargo
11 Security Targeting Assess risks to Homeland Security –Anti-Terrorism – Crew, Cargo, Affiliations Foreign Vessels only –Commercial vessels of any tonnage –Recreational vessels > 300 GT –Foreign Government Vessels exempt High Interest Vessels (HIV) vs. Non-HIV – CG only Additional USCG & USCBP Conditions of Entry Recommend Off-Shore (prior to entry) –Possible dockside – weather, risk, or intelligence
12 Security Compliance Targeting USCG Only Commercial vessels Security regulations compliance history –International –Domestic Foreign Vessels = Port State Control –Recommend Off-Shore or Dockside Inspection Domestic Vessels = Flag State Control –Recommend Dockside Inspection
13 Safety Compliance Targeting USCG and USCBP (Agriculture) Commercial Vessels Domestic / International regulations compliance –Navigation Safety –Lifesaving –Firefighting –Manning –Environmental Protection – including Living Marine Resources –Operations Foreign Vessels = Port State Control –Recommend Off-Shore or Dockside Examination Domestic Vessels = Flag State Control –Recommend Dockside Inspection
14 Customs / Agriculture Law Targeting USCBP Only Commercial and Recreational Vessels Customs Law compliance history –Cargo declaration –Agricultural Products – Cargo, Provisions –Last Ports of Call Recommend Dockside or Off-Shore Inspection –Recommend Detention (Customs Hold)
15 J-MASTT Information Customs Issues 24-Hour: CG Issues Business Hours: CG Issues After-Hour: In the works: a single 24-Hour Contact Number homeport.uscg.mil/community/JMASTT
16 Boardings vs. Examinations Boarding: –Armed and escorted –Assess risk to port –Anti-Terrorism, Counter- Narcotics –Verify immigration status Examinations (Compliance Verification): –Verify compliance with applicable regulations –Normally completed un-armed
17 Foreign Vessel Examinations Port State Control Off-Shore or Dockside Examination –Priority 1 (High) = Off-Shore –Priority 2 (Medium) = Dockside or Off-Shore –Priority 3 (Non-Priority) = Random Off-Shore may occur with Boarding Please leave (copies of): –Registry –Safety Equipment Certificate –Tonnage Certificate –Load Line Certificate –Certificate of Financial Responsibility
18 Domestic Vessel Inspections Flag State Control Typically Dockside Inspection –High Priority may be Off-Shore Typically arranged by Port Engineer prior to NOA requirements Please leave (copies of): –Registry –Safety Equipment Certificate –Tonnage Certificate –Load Line Certificate –Certificate of Financial Responsibility
19 Examination Timeframes Examination Result = No Major Deficiencies: –2 to 4 Hours –Depends on size of vessel Examination Result = Major Deficiencies! –NO TELLING HOW LONG!
20 Security Boardings To detect and deter acts of terrorism in the Maritime Transportation System Targeted Security Boardings –NOT canceled for any reason – vessel delayed Random Security Boardings –May be canceled at last minute due to emergency SAR Transportation Security Incident
21 Elements of a Security Boarding Verify that the Notice of Arrival is accurate. Vessel’s Operation is consistent with its stated purpose. Clarify, verify, or act on any associated intelligence.
22 Boarding Timeframes Boarding Result = No Risk –1.5 to 2 Hours Boarding Result = Risk! –NO TELLING HOW LONG!
23 Security Boardings – What you can Expect Targeted Security Boardings –Completed during daylight hours Daylight assists boarding teams complete security boardings safely and effectively Minimizes chances of unscheduled delays –Completed at first light if vessels arrives at night –Must commence 2 hours before sunset
24 Security Boardings – What you can Expect Random Security Boardings –Normally completed upon arrival May be delayed if vsl not scheduled to enter port upon arrival –Will be cancelled if we can’t meet our obligation & delay would impact vessel’s schedule
25 PSC Examinations – What you can Expect Priority 1 vessels (High risk of non- compliance) – Done offshore & upon arrival (unless vessel targeted as HIV) Priority 2 vessels (Medium risk of non- compliance) – Completed dockside – Cargo ops not delayed unless vessel poses significant risk of non-compliance. Priority 3 vessels (Non – priority) – Completed dockside w/ no cargo delay.
26 Communications - Vessel Control Numbers Yes/No for Vessel Entry –USCG & USCBP Targeting / Operations Published in Daily Vessel Control List –Sent by –Published on Homeport homeport.uscg.mil/community/JMASTT –Issued as soon as: USCBP / USCG Targeting complete USCBP / USCG Operations Planning complete Typically within 24 hours of NOA receipt
27 Communications- Captain of the Port Orders Issued to vessels or facilities that require Coast Guard intervention, whether random or targeted. For examinations; will be issued if cargo ops must be delayed until completion. For boardings; may not be issued if a boarding can occur without delay to vessel’s schedule. Will issue 24 hours in advance of vessel’s arrival –Could be less if new info causes an untargeted vsl to become a targeted vessel (ie. HIV)