The SASKATCHEWAN YOUTH APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAM SYAP A presentation for Students, Parents, and Teachers (NLSD SYA Program is for students grade 9 – 12) Include Transitioning Grade 9 students, parents (and teachers) Created by M. Lebell, NLSD #113 (fall 2012)
SASKATCHEWAN YOUTH APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAM SYAP SYAP enhances student career awareness by exploring Trades and Apprenticeship opportunities
Life’s journey Sometimes changes direction And we sometimes take on careers that we may or may not have thought about when we attended school.
Purposes of SYAP benefits to students It creates an opportunity to clearly understand the trades and apprenticeship career pathway as an option. It offers a record of achievement with the Sask. Apprentice Commission for resumes and can have other benefits as well. Our efforts now to enhance student knowledge/awareness better prepares them with the ability to make more informed career decisions.
Youth registering as an apprentice with SATCC within five years of completing SYA (with proof of completion) will receive: A Waiver of Apprenticeship registration fee (currently $150); A Waiver of first level technical training tuition providing; 100 hours of trade time credit per SYA level completed (possible 300 hrs in total); The ability to apply for the Skilled Trades SCHOLARHSIP. Forty scholarships worth $1,000 each will be awarded every June to selected, eligible high school graduates who have completed the SYA Program p (SYA) Program. For Students who choose the Trades Pathway & Complete the SYA Program
When do students begin the SYA Program? Officially in grade 10. The SYAP Form is completed and sent to Apprenticeship Commission Students are supported to complete the 12 - SYAP exploration challenges Through learning activities that meet curriculum outcomes whenever possible And supported to receive their Sask. Youth Apprenticeship Certificate Before graduation This certificate recognizes the student’s work of completion of the SYA Challenges It. can be used for résumés and other purposes as well
SYA Student Challenges (4 x 3) (The Challenges can be completed in any order) Level 1 1. Complete a PAA Course (10, 20, 30) 2. One page report on a trade 3. Completion of the Young Workers Readiness 4. Conduct a discussion asking what a community or family member Or a teacher knows about the trades And apprenticeship Level 2 1.Complete a second PAA Course 2.Discussion with a journeyman 3.Career Path Chart of Trades Person or Outline the four steps to Achiever Journey Person status. 4. Exploration of Trades Websites Level 3 1.Completion of Apprenticeship Terminology (which can be complete in module 88 in the grade 9 PAA Survey Course) 2. Portfolio – Organize Trades related information section 3. Trades job shadow or work experience 4. Attend a career fair
Ways Students Can be supported: Grade 8 PAA course – Completing the PAA Career Work Experience Module 9A & 10A (in which one of the resources to be used is the Young Worker Readiness Course Resource) Grade 9 PAA Course – PAA Machining Module 88 (Apprenticeship in Sask.) in which many, many of the challenges can be completed. The School creates a system – tracking those students who attend Career Fairs in high school. High School ELA and/or Social Studies/Native Studies Teachers who might support completion of some SYA challenges by using this resource to meet certain core curriculum outcomes
Tracking the Completion of Challenges: Students can be given a SYAP passport and they can put it into their portfolio binders and keep it up to date with teacher signatures if they so wish Admin and teachers agree upon a process for teachers to enter OR forward student SYAP challenge completions to a school SYAP data system (suggestions have been provided)
Seals of Completion Upon completion of all three SYA levels the school submits the application (before June 10 th ) and applies for the student to receive their certificate. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION of the SASK. YOUTH APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAM for their resumes and other purposes
Students who transition from NLSD Schools will leave with: the knowledge and awareness of the trades and apprenticeship as one of the career pathways available to them. a record of achievement from the Sask. Apprentice Commission to use in their resumes and career portfolios