◎ The payment of the Temporary Welfare Benefit is planned as a provisional/temporary measure until a systematic response is in place for low income earners in an attempt to alleviate the burden they face with the increase in the consumption tax rate. ◎ Eligible persons are those not subject to municipal inhabitants tax (per capita rate) for financial year Except for ・ Persons supported by those who are subject to municipal inhabitants tax (per capita rate) ・ Persons receiving public assistance.etc ◎ The benefit amount is 6,000 yen per eligible person. ◎ In principle, the benefit will be paid from the municipality listed on the applicant’s certificate of residence as of January 1, ◎ An application must be made to the municipality listed on the applicant’s certificate of residence as of January 1, 2015 to receive the Temporary Welfare Benefit. The starting date that Temporary Welfare Benefit applications are accepted will vary depending on the municipality. ◎ Persons who are escaping spousal violence and, due to circumstances, have been unable to transfer their resident registrations as of 1 January 2015 to their current municipality may receive the following measures by following the procedures described on the reverse page. ① After completion of the procedures, even if a proxy application is made by his/her spouse, the benefit of the person having completed the procedures will not be paid to the spouse. ② He/She will be able to apply for payment of the Temporary Welfare Benefit at the municipality where he/she currently resides if the municipality listed on his/ her certificate of residence differs from the municipality in which he/she currently resides. ③ In the case of living separately from his/her spouse as of 1 January 2015, he/she will be regarded as not being supported by his/her spousal. (Even if his/her spouse is a taxpayer, the Temporary Welfare Benefit will be paid to him/her based on his/her own taxation status.) In the event of living separately from his/her spouse on and after 2 January 2015, payment of the Temporary Welfare Benefit will be determined based on the support relationship as of 1 January 2015 (the Temporary Welfare Benefit will not be paid in the case he/she is supported by his/her spouse as of 1 January 2015 and his/her spouse is a taxpayer.) ( To reverse page ) 【 Procedural requirements for persons escaping spousal violence 】 An eligible person must satisfy ① and apply to any of ② - ④ below. ① He/she belongs to a separate household from his/her spouse or is not dependent on his/her spouse concerning his/her medical care insurance. ② A protection order based on the Act on the Prevention of Spousal Violence and the Protection of Victim has been issued to his/her spousal ③ A “certificate in relation to protection of a victim of spousal violence” has been issued to him/her by a women' s consultation office, etc. ④ He/she has transferred his/her certificate of residence to the municipality where he/she now lives on or after 2 January 2015 and is eligible for “support measures” such as restricted access to his/her resident registration.
◎ Please submit an “Advance Report” at the counter responsible for the Temporary Welfare Benefits at the municipality where you currently reside during the advance reporting period (8 June – 26 June 2015). (In addition to the counter of the municipality where you reside, “Advance Report” forms are available at Women’s Consulting Offices and website of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare,etc) ◎ The following documents must be attached to your “Advance Report” (The following items can be used as a check-sheet.) □Documents which confirm that you escape spousal violence (any of the following documents) (if you have an accompanied person, it is necessary for details of your accompanied person to also be recorded on those documents) □ Certificate issued by Women’s Consulting Offices □ A certified copy or original of Protection Order based on the Act on the Prevention of Spousal Violence and the Protection of Victim ※ If you have transferred your certificate of residence to the municipality where you currently reside on or after 2 January 2015 and are eligible for “Support Measures” such as restricted access to your resident registration, then you do not need to submit those documents above by informing the municipality of this status. □Insurance card transcripts which confirm that you are not dependent on your spouse concerning medical-care insurance (For persons who subscribe to national health insurance, insurance card transcripts which confirm that you belong to a separate household from your spouse.) (If you have an accompanied person, your accompanied person’s insurance card is also required) □Documents which confirm that you lived separately as of 1 January 2015 if you lived separately from their spouses as of 1 January 2015 (Any of the following documents) (Not required if living separately can be confirmed with insurance card transcripts, etc.) □Temporary protection certificate issued by a Women’s Consulting Offices □A document showing the admission date entered by staff of an establishment which provides shelter for persons escaping spousal violence □A payment certificate for utility charges in your own name ◎ Based on your Advance Report, the municipality listed on your certificate of residence will be contacted, but the municipality will not be informed of the address of your current residence listed in the Advance Report. ◎ You can submit Advance Report even after 26 June However, please be aware that if the Temporary Welfare Benefit has already been paid to your spouse when information about the submission of your Advance Report is delivered to the municipality listed in your certificate of residence, then the benefit will not be paid to you. ◎ Temporary Welfare Benefit procedures must be performed separately from the Advance Report procedures. ◎ Please contact the municipality where you currently reside for more details. (Reference) “FY2015 Temporary Special Benefit for Households with Children” ・ Regardless of whether the person is subject to “FY2015 Temporary Welfare Benefit” payments, he/she may receive “FY2015 Temporary Special Benefit for Households with Children” payments (3,000 yen fro each eligible child) as a recipient of Child Allowance payments, etc. ・ Through the application of the Child Allowance scheme (if he/she meets certain requirements and receive certification after applying to the municipality of one’s current residence, then Child Allowance payments can be made to the person escaping spousal violence), “FY2015 Temporary Special Benefit for Households with Children” may also be paid to the person escaping spousal violence. ・ Please contact the municipality where you currently reside for more details.