Management and the state registration of the enterprise
According to the legislation of Ukraine business activity without registration is illegal. The state registration of legal persons and natural persons - entrepreneurs - this is a fact of certification or termination of a legal person, the fact of the acquisition or deprivation of an individual entrepreneur status by the corresponding entry in the Uniform State Register of enterprises and organizations of Ukraine. Procedure for state registration of business activity is defined by Regulations on registration of business activity, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers № 740.
The state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs is conducted by the state registrar only in the executive committee of the city (district) council at the location of legal entity or place of residence of individual entrepreneurs.
To register to the state of registration to submit the following documents : 1. The decision of founders on creation of the legal entity 2. Statute of enterprise 3. Articles of incorporation 4. Registration card 5. Document confirming payment for state registration 6. The inquiry of banking establishment on installments in statute fund
The term of state registration of an individual shall not exceed two days. Constituent documents are submitted in three copies. The public registration after verifying the information card in the Registers and completeness of the package of documents forming the registration business. If all the documents are present, state registration body shall, within not more than five working days, submit data to the registration cards to the Register business activities and issue a certificate of state registration of a standard identification code affixed to the legal entity. Applicant is issued the original certificate of registration in three copies
The public register shall submit a 5-day period since registration informational message to: state statistics Tax Pension Fund Social Insurance Fund.
Registration in the State Tax Inspection. According to the instructions of the order of taxpayers (1998) the subjects of entrepreneurial activity after receiving the certificate of registration required by 5 days to appeal to the state tax authorities in their place of registration for recording.
Necessary documents: Copy of the statute with a mark of body of the state registration Copy of articles of incorporation with a mark of body of the state registration The certificate on the state registration (the original and a copy) The inquiry on entering into lists of the State register of subjects of an entrepreneurial activity The statement Inquiries with identification numbers of the director, the accountant, founders The inquiry on assignment of identification number of a physical person The document confirming an enterprise site The document on entering of a payment for registration
Registration in the State Pension Fund of Ukraine According to the Law of Ukraine "On the general state pension insurance" employer and other persons who pay the premiums for the compulsory state pension insurance must sign up in local pension funds in the order as a payer of premiums within 10 days from the date of receipt of the certificate of state registration as a subject of entrepreneurial activity.
Necessary documents 1.Copy of certificate on state registration 2.The inquiry from bank about account opening Received documents Certificate on the registration in Pension Fund
Registration in the social insurance funds According to the Law of Ukraine "On mandatory state social insurance due to temporary disability benefits and expenses related to birth and burial) - entrepreneurial activity, which used hired labor, required to register offices in the executive office of the Social insurance against temporary disability, within ten days from the date of signing the employment contract with employees
Necessary documents 1.Statute 2.Balance sheet of enterprise Received documents Certificate on registration in Fund of social insurance on an unemployment
Getting the stamp statement copy of certificate of state registration two exemplary samples of seal and stamps extract from the statute the right to have a banking account and seal documents proving payment of a permit for making a seal.
Opening a bank account. For the exercise of business activities of business entities are entitled to open offices in bank current accounts in Local and Foreign currency.
Necessary documents Application Copy of statute The card of specimen signatures and signets Copy of certificate on state registration Copy of on certificate on the registration in Department of statistics Copy of certificate on identification number Copy of certificate on registration in Pension Fund Copy of certificate on registration in Social Funds Copy of certificate on registration in State Tax Inspection The document on entering of a payment for registration
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