An Easter message from the Track Safety Alliance
“What are the chances of an accident free Easter” ?
Virtually none when we see this!
Or this-
From 2012 – 2014 we recorded 124 slips, trips and falls in Track Delivery, most were due to underfoot conditions caused by poor housekeeping, and all were easily preventable. In the last month we have seen 2 colleagues sustain horrific leg breaks.
Slip, Trips and Falls in Track Delivery 2012 – Slip, Trips and Falls – Lost Time Incidents Slip, Trips and Falls – – Lost Time Incidents – Slip, Trips and Falls – – Lost Time Incidents - 8
We’ve now reached more than half of last years total and were only in April !
6 simple steps to prevention- Keep your own work area and any walking routes free from obstructions. Make safe and report any other materials to your supervisor Take extra care in areas of artificial lighting or when its wet / uneven underfoot conditions Getting in and out of any vehicle should be undertaken with plenty of care as to stepping areas. Only use approved access points and use handrails where provided Don’t step on catch pit or manhole covers
Date Before After Please keep reporting your Close Calls It really does lead to improvements !