Safety Talk 20 / 1 Safety Talk 20 Slips, Trips and Falls
Safety Talk 20 / 2 Objectives Understand risks of slipping, tripping or falling Know how to prevent them After vehicles, falls are the most common injury in BP Most of them are at ground level Slips, Trips and Falls
Safety Talk 20 / 3 Understanding the Risks The fall is what causes injury The energy is caused by gravity Could be serious even from 2 metres Measures to prevent falls –handrails –barriers –PPE Need to control the fall – last resort !
Safety Talk 20 / 4 Slips Surprise change of surface - main problem Fix down mats Light and mark steps Grit or clear paths if icy Loose flooring = safety defect Clean spilt oil immediately Design anti- spill fluid handling Slip-proof floors at showers Wax floors when no traffic
Safety Talk 20 / 5 Trips Normal cause - unexpected obstacle Avoid drawers blocking passage Avoid electrical extension leads Keep floor clear of debris Wear sturdy working shoes Insist on good floor and stair design Insist on good furniture design No boxes and files in passages Use handrail and one step at a time on stairs
Safety Talk 20 / 6 Using Ladders Follow the ‘4 to 1 rule’ for safe angle Use and store the ladder safely Check rungs and feet regularly Ask someone to hold ladder bottom Use pulley for tools. Don’t carry Don’t reach out beyond belt buckle Extend step ladder legs fully Don’t twist. Face the front Keep ladder legs level
Safety Talk 20 / 7 Conclusion Most injuries are caused by falls Slips and trips main causes Your approach is main factor Think about trip and slip hazards Try to eradicate them Supervisors provide safe work area You must wear right footwear Good tread is vital; same as car’s Alcohol loses foot control; same as car
Safety Talk 20 / 8 Quiz 1.Name three ways to avoid slipping ? 2.What is the one in four rule for a ladder ? 3.What is the right way to fall ? 4.How is employee responsible for safety ? 5.Name three ways to prevent tripping ? 6.Why is attention to falling so important for BP ? 7.Are there more falls from high level or ground level ? 8.What is the main safety factor about electric leads ? 9.What is the consequence of a light being out of action on stairs ? 10.Why is dress so important in the work place ?