French Upper Air Network Design and Implementation


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Presentation transcript:

French Upper Air Network Design and Implementation Magali STOLL Head of Upper Air Observing Systems Department Météo France – Direction of Observing Systems TECO 2008

Presentation Context, domain, deliveries Needs, offer, capacities Study on the French Upper Air Network evolution Context, domain, deliveries Needs, offer, capacities Main orientations Design and implementation of the French Upper Air Networks Radiosondes Water vapour by GPS Aircraft observations Ground remote sensing 27 November 2008 TECO 2008 St Petersburg

Prospective study on the evolution of the upper air observing network for the needs of Météo France (2005-2007) Context Increasing cost of the radiosounding network Strategy and objectives of Météo France for the next 5 to 10 years Eumetnet, Eumetsat, GMES, WMO programmes Domain Radiosondes and other upper air systems, complementary with satellites Delivery General requirements, classified at 3 levels : global, regional, national Analysis of the capacity for the current and future systems Evaluation of the total cost and constraints for the evolutions Main orientations for the next 10 years Objectives, planning and budget for 2008 to 2012 27 November 2008 TECO 2008 St Petersburg

Needs in upper air data Update of the needs General needs Trends Meteo France is concerned by the global, regional and local needs Documents WMO, Eumetnet and Eumetsat give recommandations A survey has been made inside Météo France to complete them General needs Permanent : climatology and forecasting New : climate change, meso scale numerical models (Arome) Future : physico chemical applications Trends Profiles more precise on the vertical with information on the horizontal position Wide range of spatial and temporal resolutions needs depending on the applications Less constraints on the horaries (4DVAR…) Progress to do to access to the data, to use and to visualise them 27 November 2008 TECO 2008 St Petersburg

General requirements Global Régional National Scale > 1000 km Applications Climate and changes Satellite calibration Global NWP control Global NWP assimilation Regional NWP assimilation Regional NWP control Satellite control Mesoscale NWP control Mesoscale NWP assimilation Short terme forecasting Nowcasting Systems calibration Users assistances Profiles P, T, U, V + (O3) P, T, U, V P, T, U, V + hydrometeores Height 30 km 20 km 10 km Density 500 to 1000 km 50 to 500 km 10 to 50 km Frequency 12 h to 24 h 3 h to 12 h 5’ to 3 h Delivery 2 h to 1 month 1 to 2 h 15’ to 1 h 27 November 2008 TECO 2008 St Petersburg

Systems capacities Global Régional National Cost / profile P, T, U , V : RS +++ ++ + - - - V : profileur VHF - - V : profileur UHF - T, U : radiometer V, T,(U) : lidar, sodar P, T, V (U, O3) : Aircraft + ( - ) V : radars (Doppler) U : GPS (ZTD) + + T, U, (V) : satellite To be evaluated 27 November 2008 TECO 2008 St Petersburg

French upper air network : Main Orientations Optimisation of the radiosounding network « Walls » of the composite upper air networks and satellites To satisfy in priority the global needs, then the regional and at least the national ones To adapt horaries, frequency and altitudes at the needs level To automatize if necessary and possible Extension of the upper air network with existing systems To satisfy in prirority the national and regional needs To valorize and enhance the systems and networks owned by partners GPS : geography, Amdar : airlines, profilers : research, radars: hydrology Experimentation of new or recent systems before deploiement To cover in priority the local and meso scale applications Ground remote sensing : lidar, sodar, radiometer, alone or colocated with profilers Onboard aircraft sensors : T-AMDAR, WVSSII Integration of environmental data into the global observing system To cover in priority the global needs (GCOS) Integration of RS ozones with RS (GRUAN) Development of real time physico chemical aircraft measurements (IAGOS) 27 November 2008 TECO 2008 St Petersburg

Current French RS Network (22 stations) 27 November 2008 TECO 2008 St Petersburg

Optimisation of the French Territorial Radiosounding network Main Objectives Needs that could not be satisfied by other systems Reduction of the total cost, human and financial Automatisation when useful and possible Re Design of the RS network : Global : permanent Regional : to review in 10 years if other equivalent systems useful National : non permanent, to be replaced by other current systems Implementation of the future RS network Evaluation of the employment and cost impacts Feasibility study : technical, financial, human and users aspects Planification of the feasible implementation 27 November 2008 TECO 2008 St Petersburg

Current and designed radiosoundings 27 November 2008 TECO 2008 St Petersburg

RS evolution for 2009 to 2012 First optimisation of the radiosounding network Terrestrial RS : progressive implementation of a V1 network Onboard ships RS : extension from 2 to 4 with compensation by EUCOS Ozone RS : qualification and integration of partners observations Adaptative RS : automatisation of a set of chosen stations Wind Pilots : study on the oversea territory network evolution 27 November 2008 TECO 2008 St Petersburg

Initial GPS network used for met applications GPS stations in 2005 27 November 2008 TECO 2008 St Petersburg

Improvement of GPS data (V1) and extension of the network (V2) Enhancement of GPS data : designed network V1 To satisfy in priority the numerical models at regional scale Delivery of data from 170 stations on France Avaibility of ZTD in less than 90’ Frequency of measurements every 15’ Implementation of quality management Integration into the E-GVAP Eumetnet program Extension of GPS data : designed network V2 To satisfy the needs for mesosacle and nowcasting applications and to cover the oversea territories Consolidation of the operations for the production of ZTD Production of IWV data and map 27 November 2008 TECO 2008 St Petersburg

Implementation of the V1 GPS French network 64 63 65 69 81 94 97 112 114 115 120 122 129 141 144 145 146 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 130 140 150 160 170 180 Juin 06 Juil 06 Aoû 06 Sep 06 Oct 06 Nov 06 Déc 06 Jan 07 Fév 07 Mars 07 Avr 07 Mai 07 Juin 07 Juil 07 Aoû 07 Sep 07 Oct 07 Nov 07 Déc 07 Jan 08 Fév 08 Number of stations Objectives 27 November 2008 TECO 2008 St Petersburg

GPS network V1 in 2008 27 November 2008 TECO 2008 St Petersburg

Amdar observations (7/11/08) 27 November 2008 TECO 2008 St Petersburg

Current AMDAR data 27 November 2008 TECO 2008 St Petersburg

Potential French AMDAR data 27 November 2008 TECO 2008 St Petersburg

Exemple of intensification in Germany 27 November 2008 TECO 2008 St Petersburg

Demonstration of physico chemical aircraft data IAGOS project 27 November 2008 TECO 2008 St Petersburg

Evolution of the aircraft data Objectives Intensify the frequency of profiles on the French continental domain Develop the number of data on the oversea territories Propose to evaluate the quality of humidity sensor Contribute to standardize Amdar and integrate humidity on aircraft Prepare the real time delivery of aircraft environemental data Activities International programs E-AMDAR for Eumetnet for the Eucos area Australia and USA Amdar programs for oversea territories AMDAR Panel for WMO coordination National capacity Research aircraft (Safire) Memeber of the IAGOS project 27 November 2008 TECO 2008 St Petersburg

Current Wind Profilers European Network 27 November 2008 TECO 2008 St Petersburg

Evolution of wind profilers Objectives Consolidate and valorize the existing systems, operational and research Focus on applications : numerical model, aeronautic, environment, forecasting, research field experiment Evaluate the using and the impact of the profilers Study the optimum localisation for the assimilation by the model Planification For 2009 - 2012 : V1 of a sparse network and evaluation For 2013 – 2016 : V2 of a meso scale network, if needed and useful 27 November 2008 TECO 2008 St Petersburg

Potential French Doppler Radar 27 November 2008 TECO 2008 St Petersburg

Objectives proposed for Doppler radars Qualification of the measurements Profiles et 3D winds Quality management to define and implement Extension of the network Delivery of data for 16 radars Integration into the Eumetnet Winprof II program Evaluation of the data using By numerical model By forecasters 27 November 2008 TECO 2008 St Petersburg

Evaluation of recent remote sensing systems Lidar experimentation for the wind shear in Nice airport Sodar experimentation for the fog detection in Roissy Airport Radiometers evaluation of Hu and T propfiles in Toulouse Colocated systems Retrieval of PTUV profiles in the troposphère And also Evaluaion by forecasters of IASI Profiles from METOP satellite 27 November 2008 TECO 2008 St Petersburg