Taking The Test Tips on Taking Multiple-Choice Tests The following tips are based in part on a document prepared by: Steve Houseworth, Duke University.


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Presentation transcript:

Taking The Test Tips on Taking Multiple-Choice Tests The following tips are based in part on a document prepared by: Steve Houseworth, Duke University Sociology Dept. and Scott Plous Wesleyan University Psychology Dept.

LOOK OVER THE LOOK OVER THE TEST AND PACE TEST AND PACE YOURSELF YOURSELF When you first get the test, don’t just plunge into answering test items. don’t just plunge into answering test items.

 Thumb through the pages and get the lay of the land. and get the lay of the land.  How many questions are there? there?  How many different sections? sections?  Are some questions worth more points than others? more points than others?

Once you have looked over the entire test, try to estimate what pace you should maintain in order to finish approximately 10 minutes before the testing period is over. This will allow you some time at the end to check for careless mistakes like skipped questions and misread items.

Some of the worst problems occur when:  Students enter a time warp and forget to check warp and forget to check the clock. the clock.  Students spend too much time on one or two much time on one or two difficult items. difficult items.

Test Activity Timer Will help you keep up with time during the testing session. Ask your teachers: 1. What is it? 2.Can we use it in your classroom? * All teachers have access to one.

Take Short Breaks Take Short Breaks  Stop for a moment  Shut your eyes  Take some deep breaths Periodically clearing your head in this way can help you stay fresh during the testing session.

“Remember” You receive You receive NO POINTS for being the FIRST ONE to complete the test!!

Don’t Skip Around Don’t Skip Around There is a difference in skipping around and going on to the next item on a test when you are unsure of the answer for the current item.

If you skip from one question/section to another, you may not remember to return to those items you skipped.

You should always try to answer questions in order, as they appear on the test.

If you are truly baffled (can not recall the content) by a question, make a mental or written note, and continue on with the test returning to that question later. If you are truly baffled (can not recall the content) by a question, make a mental or written note, and continue on with the test returning to that question later.

First Answers Are First Answers Are Usually Correct Don’t speed through items Don’t speed through items with the idea of going back with the idea of going back later to change answers later to change answers you are unsure of. you are unsure of.

Taking time to think through each question usually means that your initial answer will be correct.Taking time to think through each question usually means that your initial answer will be correct. There are always exceptions to the rule, but best case practices show that the first time through the test is when you are more likely to answer correctly.There are always exceptions to the rule, but best case practices show that the first time through the test is when you are more likely to answer correctly.

What To Do If More What To Do If More Than One Answer Than One Answer Seems Correct Seems Correct If you are utterly stumped by a question, the following strategies will help you narrow the field and select the correct answer:

1. Ask yourself whether the answer whether the answer your are considering your are considering completely addresses completely addresses the question. the question.

If the answer is partly true, If the answer is partly true, it is probably not the right it is probably not the right answer. answer. If the answer is only true If the answer is only true under narrow conditions, under narrow conditions, it is probably not the right it is probably not the right answer. answer.

If you have to make a significant assumption in significant assumption in order for the answer to be order for the answer to be true, and you teachers have true, and you teachers have not given you similar not given you similar questions, expecting you to questions, expecting you to make similar assumptions, make similar assumptions, don’t use that answer. don’t use that answer.

2. If you think an item is a trick item is a trick question, think question, think again. again.

There are very few There are very few instances that a test item instances that a test item would be written with the would be written with the intent to deceive. intent to deceive. If you suspect that a If you suspect that a question is a trick item, question is a trick item, you may be reading too much into the question. you may be reading too much into the question.

Try to avoid imagining Try to avoid imagining detailed scenarios in detailed scenarios in which the answer could which the answer could be true. be true. “Trick questions”, in “Trick questions”, in most cases, are only most cases, are only tricky because they are tricky because they are not taken at face value. not taken at face value.

3. If, after your very best effort, you cannot effort, you cannot choose between two choose between two alternatives, try alternatives, try vividly imagining vividly imagining each one as the each one as the correct answer. correct answer.

Most people often “feel” Most people often “feel” that one of the answers that one of the answers is wrong. is wrong. Trust this feeling – Trust this feeling – research suggests that research suggests that feelings can be correct, feelings can be correct, even when recall is poor. even when recall is poor. Go with that “gut feeling”. Go with that “gut feeling”.

Although this tip is not infallible, many students find it useful and come up with the correct answer.

Two Basic Test Taking Strategies

Strategy One BREATHE!

 The night before the test when you can’t get to when you can’t get to sleep – sleep –Breathe!

 On the morning of the test when you are test when you are feeling nervous – feeling nervous –Breathe!

 As you open the test booklet – booklet –Breathe!

 When you read a certain question – certain question –Breathe!

 When you get a knot of anxiety in your of anxiety in your stomach – stomach –Breathe!

Take the time to give yourself three deep breaths. Take the time to give yourself three deep breaths.Why?

 Breathing deeply allows you to take in allows you to take in more oxygen. more oxygen.  More oxygen renews all your renews all your systems, including systems, including your brain! your brain!

 Deep breathing directly counters anxiety and counters anxiety and tight muscles. tight muscles.  Deep breathing lowers tension and reminds tension and reminds you to relax. you to relax.

Strategy Two PracticePositive Self-Talk! Self-Talk!

What is self-talk? A message we say about ourselves, either out loud to a friend or internally to ourselves. A message we say about ourselves, either out loud to a friend or internally to ourselves.

We tend to believe our self-talk messages.

Negative Self-Talk About Test Taking  “I’m scared to death.”  “I don’t know this stuff.”  “I know I’m going to bomb.” bomb.”

Learn to stop these negative messages.  Don’t say them!!  Don’t think them!!

Positive Self-Talk About Test Taking “I did okay on my practice “I did okay on my practice tests.” tests.” “I know this stuff.” “I know this stuff.” “I got it right yesterday; I “I got it right yesterday; I can get it right today.” can get it right today.”

Positive self-talk doesn’t mean you are a “genius”, but that you have studied, you know the content, and you feel you can do well on the test.


When it is time for testing, you may try to fool others, but you can’t fool yourself. Either you are ready, or you are not. No amount of self-talk will help if you are unprepared. unprepared.

Points To Look For Or Remember When Taking A Test!

If you see a response that If you see a response that you anticipated, circle it and you anticipated, circle it and then check to be sure that then check to be sure that none of the other responses none of the other responses is better. (If you are not is better. (If you are not allowed to write on the test allowed to write on the test booklet, use the same booklet, use the same process on scratch paper.) process on scratch paper.)

“Funny” responses are “Funny” responses are usually wrong. usually wrong. “All of the above” is often “All of the above” is often a correct response. If a correct response. If you can verify that more you can verify that more than one of the other than one of the other responses is probably responses is probably correct, then choose “all correct, then choose “all of the above.” of the above.”

“None of the above” is “None of the above” is usually an incorrect usually an incorrect response, but this is response, but this is less reliable than the less reliable than the “all of the above” rule. “all of the above” rule. Be very careful not to Be very careful not to be trapped by double be trapped by double negatives. negatives.

Look for verbal associations. Look for verbal associations. A response that repeats key A response that repeats key words that are in the stem is words that are in the stem is likely to be correct. likely to be correct. Do not hesitate to ask for Do not hesitate to ask for clarification during a test in clarification during a test in the classroom if you feel that the classroom if you feel that a question could be interpreted a question could be interpreted in more than one way. in more than one way.

You should not expect You should not expect any guidance that would any guidance that would help you discriminate help you discriminate among responses, but among responses, but the teacher should be the teacher should be willing to help you if the willing to help you if the intent of the question is intent of the question is not clear. not clear.

Read very slowly, running Read very slowly, running a pencil under the words a pencil under the words as you read to avoid mistakes. as you read to avoid mistakes. Re-read the stem when Re-read the stem when necessary. necessary. Look for key words in the Look for key words in the stem which you can relate to stem which you can relate to key words in the choice. key words in the choice.

Watch for absolutes such as Watch for absolutes such as all, none, always, never, only. all, none, always, never, only. Circle these words (if allowed Circle these words (if allowed to write on testing material) to write on testing material) and realize that they usually and realize that they usually indicate a false choice, unless indicate a false choice, unless you recall the teacher you recall the teacher emphasizing an absolute emphasizing an absolute statement during class statement during class (e.g., all cells are ___). (e.g., all cells are ___).

Change an answer only when Change an answer only when you have a concrete reason. you have a concrete reason. Never change an answer because Never change an answer because of a “feeling”. This feeling is often of a “feeling”. This feeling is often simply nervousness. Your “gut simply nervousness. Your “gut feeling” should have led you feeling” should have led you to pick the new answer the to pick the new answer the first time around. DO NOT first time around. DO NOT confuse the two “different confuse the two “different feelings.” feelings.”

Survey the test completely Survey the test completely and read directions carefully. and read directions carefully. Always read all the choices, Always read all the choices, even when the first and second even when the first and second choice looks correct. choice looks correct. Think of multiple choice as a Think of multiple choice as a series of true/false statements. series of true/false statements.

Paraphrase the stem by Paraphrase the stem by saying to yourself, saying to yourself, “I see, I’m looking for …” “I see, I’m looking for …” You may want to You may want to anticipate the answer anticipate the answer and then look for it. and then look for it.

Re-read stems containing Re-read stems containing negative words (not, except, negative words (not, except, etc.). To avoid careless errors etc.). To avoid careless errors with these confusing questions, with these confusing questions, mark each option with a T or F mark each option with a T or F and remind yourself that you and remind yourself that you are looking for a false statement are looking for a false statement (usually you are looking for a (usually you are looking for a true statement). true statement). ONLY WRITE ON TEST BOOKLETS WHEN IT SAYS THAT YOU CAN.

The End

Presentation Prepared By Pat Hall February 12, 2006 Materials Provided By Laura Benningfield And Tommy Floyd