Evidence Based Practice INLS 705
Better performance in medicine Diligence Do right Ingenuity
What is evidence-based medicine? evidence-based healthcare? evidence-based clinical practice? EBM?
Purpose of EBM Emphasizes evidence from clinical research New rules and skills for learning and awareness
EBM process Assess the patient Ask a question Acquire resources Evaluate and appraise the information Apply to the patient Evaluate your performance
Lifelong learning
Why is EBM necessary?
Opponents of EBM
Ask PICO question PATIENT/PROBLEM In school children with active head lice INTERVENTION is wet combing COMPARISON or malathion lotion OUTCOME a more effective treatment in eliminating live head lice?
Common types of questions Therapy Diagnosis Prognosis Harm/Etiology
Activity Here are some recent NY Times articles on health Phrase a PICO question that comes to your mind Share
Health evidence from research
Types of research designs - 1
Types of research designs - 2
Hierarchy of evidence
Appropriate research design
Example resources Summaries of the primary evidence ACP Journal Club UpToDate Clinical Evidence POEMs and InfoRetriever eMedicine DynaMed Evidence Matters Databases MEDLINE Cochrane Library EBM Reviews (Ovid) Electronic textbooks and libraries Harrisons MD Consult STAT!Ref Meta-Search Engines TRIP: Turning Research into Practice SUMSearch
Roles for information professionals
Learn more about EBM? INLS W: Evidence Based Medicine
Information synthesis
Sharing information Open movements – Open access – Open courseware Web 2.0: podcasts, etc.
Generation Percentage of knowledge transmitted 190% 281% 373% 466% 559% 653% 748% 843% 939% 1035% What a waste!
Transparent Convenient Universal tailored to personal needs
Mashups, GIS, visualization
Writing concisely In a Station of the Metro by Ezra Pound The apparition of these faces in the crowd; Petals on a wet, black bough. Ernest Hemingway
Tips Headings in MS Word Spreadsheets for writing Pretend you’re talking to your friend about the key points
Portal to good EBM resources