Peter Hansen Perspectives on Development Aid Health Impact Assessment ASPHER/EAGHA Consultative Workshop Brussels, 6 February 2012
Consultative Workshop, ASPHER/EAGHA Brussels, 6 February 2012 Principles that should underpin impact assessment 1 Central position of countries What is the country’s impact? To what extent do different factors, including development aid, contribute to that impact? How? Impact is joint product of many causes, which operate through complex results chains No cause is sufficient in itself to produce results Contribution vs. attribution Investments in impact assessment should recognize centrality of countries and explicitly focus on strengthening country ownership and capacities
Consultative Workshop, ASPHER/EAGHA Brussels, 6 February 2012 GAVI’s M&E Framework and Strategy 2
Consultative Workshop, ASPHER/EAGHA Brussels, 6 February 2012 Results framework 3
Consultative Workshop, ASPHER/EAGHA Brussels, 6 February 2012 Full country evaluations 4 Build upon country-owned M&E platform Contribute to strengthening M&E of national health strategies and existing review mechanisms Country teams participate in all phases as full partners Harmonise and align evaluation investments and activities across agencies where appropriate Prospective study design Conduct over 5 years, concurrent with implementation Entire results framework covered, from inputs to impact Indicators and data sources defined in advance
Consultative Workshop, ASPHER/EAGHA Brussels, 6 February 2012 Full country evaluations Baseline values documented from beginning, with data collection throughout Focus on assessing country’s impact & identifying factors that meaningfully contribute to that impact; and how Test assumptions in theory of change underpinning GAVI’s support to countries Contextual factors that affect implementation—and positive and negative unintended consequences— explained and fully documented Support ‘real time’ use of data and learning where possible at country and global levels 5
Consultative Workshop, ASPHER/EAGHA Brussels, 6 February 2012 How do the full country evaluations relate to model-based estimates of impact? Models focus on measuring impact of vaccination at country level Country results, not GAVI results Evaluations test assumptions of modeling exercises through direct measurement of specific endpoints in 5 countries Evaluations provide evidence to assess robustness of assumptions and adjust assumptions as appropriate Evaluations identify how interplay of range of factors contributes to the observed result 6
Consultative Workshop, ASPHER/EAGHA Brussels, 6 February