INTRODUCTION The first step in modern public health procedure parellels that used by the dental clinician only here it is the community that must be examined. It is called as survey instead of an examination. Whatever the specific problem,the initial approach to it’s solution should involve an examination to determine it’s dimentions&perticular charactaristic.
SURVEY Survey is defined as the method of collection of facts o information about the status OR Dental survey means collection of facts&analysing & evaluating them&comparing that data to previous data collected with that of different place. Basic oral health surveys are defined as surveys to collect the basic information about oral disease status&treatment needs that is needed for planning or monitoring oral health care programs.
AIMS OF SURVEY To provide systamic approach to the collection&reporting of data on oral diseases&conditions. To ensure that data collected in a wide range of involvements are comparable. To encourage oral health administraters in all countries to make standard measurments of oral diseases&conditions as a basis for planning& evaluation oral health programs.
OBJECTIVES The objectives of survey are initially to provide a full picture of the oral health status&needs of population&subsequently to monitor changes in diseases levels or patterns.
USES OF SURVEY Community diagnosis of health&disease. Collection of data to descibe in normal biological factor. Understanding the natural history of disease. Testing of hypothesis for the prevention of disease. Planning & evaluating health care services.
ADVANTAGES OF SURVEY Provide information on some aspects of oral health status about which information may not be available from any source Information pertaining to numerator as well as denominator becomes available.This enables various rates and indices to be calculated. Various association & correction btw different variables can be identified& studied. Reasons for utilization as well as non utilization of oral health care services & facilities can be identified& studied Information from a well planned systematic survey is more reliable complete and accurate compared to information collected routinely.
TYPES OF SURVEY DESCRIPTIVE SURVEY It describes a particular Eg:The distribution of a disease in a populatoion in relation to sex,age& other charactaristics.
ANALYTICAL SURVEY CROSS SECTIONAL SURVEY LONGITUDINAL SURVEY It analyses particular disease in a specific situation CROSS SECTIONAL SURVEY It deals with prevalance,etiological factors of a disease. LONGITUDINAL SURVEY This survey is possible only when there is enough resorses,it caries out for a longer time. Eg:cycological survey.
PATHFINDER SURVEY The special factors associated with the most common oral diseases&the extensive experience gained in oral epidemiology over the past 25 years have enabled a practical economic survey sampling methodology to be defined called the pathfinder method. The method used is a stratified cluster sampling technique. It proposes population subgroups having differ in disease levels. And also proposes appropriate numbers of subject in a specific indexes age groups.
WHO has come out with pathfinder survey. It is practical It is economical Then results are stratically significant In this survey 4 specific groups of diifferent ages are examined.They are 12yrs,15yrs,35 to44yrs,55to74yrs. In each age group 25to50 subjects should be examined for each cluster or sampling point depending on the expected prevalance&severity of oral disease.
USES The oral prevalance of the various oral diseases affecting the population. Important variations in disease level,severity & need for treatment in subgroups of population. A picture of the age profiles of oral diseases in the population to enable care needs for different age groups to be determined to provide information about severity& progression of disease,and to give an indication as to wheather the levels are increasing or decreasing.
TYPES PILOT SURVEY Pathfinder survey is of 2 types In this selected places are taken. Pilot survey is one that include only the most important subgroups in the population&only 1or2 index ages usually 12yrs and one other agegroup such a survey provides a minimum amount of data needed to common planning.
NATIONAL PATHFINDER SURVEY It incorporates sufficient examination sites to cover all important subgroups of the population that may have differing disease levels or treatment needs;and atleast 3 of the agegroups or index ages. This type of survey design is suitable for the collection of data for the planning and monitoring of survices in all countries whatever the levels of disease, availability of resorses or complexity of survices in a large country with many geographical and population subdivitions and complex surveys sites is needed. The basic principle of using index ages& standard samples in each site within a stratified approach,however remains valid.
SUBGROUPS The number and distribution of sampling sites depend up on the specefic objectives of the study. The sampling is usually based on administrative divisions of the country. If there are several distinct ethnic groups in the population known or suspected differences in levels of oral disease. It may be necessary to include separate samples of each of this groups in the main sub divisions for the survey. However ,maximum use should be made of available knowledge about variations b/w the different gps inorder to limit the number of additional subsamples needed.
The assistance of local health administraters can be very useful when the final decision is made as to which population subgroupes are significant for the studiying. For a national pathfinder survey b/w 10 and 15 sampling sites are usually sufficient. It may be necessary to locate several additional sampling sites in atleast two cities.
AGE SIGNIFICANCE….. Five years : where it is practical and feassible , children should be examined b/w their 5th and 6th birth days. 12 years: this age is global monitoring age of dental caries,it is likely at this age that all permanent teeth except third molars will have erupted. 15 years: at this age permanent teeth have been exposed to the oral environment for 3 to 9 years. Assessment of caries prevalance is more at this age.
35 to 44 years: this age group is the standard monitoring gp for health condition of adults. 65 to 74 years:this age gp become more important with the changes in age distribution and increase in life span that are now occuring in all countries.this data helps in care for elderly people and overall affects oral care services in a population .
NUMBER OF SUBJECTS….. The number of subjucts each age gp to be examined ranges from a minimum of 25 to 50 for cluster. An example of a sample design for a national pathfinder survey for each index age or age gps is as follows. a)URBAN:four sites in the capital city 2 sites in each of two large towns. b)RURAL;1 site in each for villages.
ESTABLISHING THE OBJECTIVES… The surveyer must be absalutely clear about the objective of survey before considering its design. In most of the survey the objective can be stated in the form of hypothesis which is to be tested . The object of survey is then to test this hypothesis eg;there is no periodontal status of males and females aged 35 to 44 years in mangalore.
DESIGNING THE INVESTIGATION…. Survey protocol;it is important to prepare a written protocol for the survey which should contain, Main objective and purpose of survey A description of the sampling methods to be used A description of the type of information to be collected. Personal and physical arrangements A provisional budjet A provisional time table of main activities
TYPES OF STUDY… PREVALANCE STUDY OR CROSS SECTIONAL STUDY it is the proportion of population suffering from a particular disease in a given time in a given is useful to compare the disease in the population at different time.
INCIDENCE OR LONGITUDNAL STUDY…. Where the amount of new disease is a population is measured over a peoriod of time.this is usually expressed as the proportion of that population which become afffected /unit time.
CLINICAL TRIALS…. When a new treatment has been develop , it is important to provide the answer to two questions before making a desicion. 1) does it work…? 2)is it better than existing treatment..? To answer this questions the clinical trial survey is carried out.
EXPERIMENTAL CLINICAL TRIAL It is carried out at the beginning of study under ideal conditions to know the effectiveness of the agent. It is carried out in during survey procedures in real conditions to know effectiveness of the agent COMMUNITY FIELD TRIAL
CONTROL GROUP The survey is carried out in a group of people who are exposed to that disease .A parallel group not exposed to the disease must be surveyd. This group is known as control group and must be as similar as possible to the test group except the respect of the factor under investigation.
METHOD OF STUDY PROSPECTIVE STUDY OR FORWARD STUDY It is one in which the outcome as not occurred at the time of investigation this the planning of the entire study is carried out before collection of data
RETROSPECTIVE STUDY OR BACKWARD STUDY In this study ,the planning of the entire study is done after the collection of is one in which the outcome have all occurred before the start of investigation.
SELECTING THE SAMPLE When designing a study,it is usually imposible to examine every individual in the population under investigation resorses in terms of time , man power and money are not available for the collection and analysis of such wast amounts of data.for this reason a small number of individuals are choosen from the population.
TYPES OF SAMPLING SELECTIVE SAMPLING Sampling is done depending upon criteria like age,sex,socioeconomic status etc… RANDOM SAMPLING Sampling is done irrespective of any criteria. 3 types are there….
SIMPLE RANDOM SAMPLING Sampling is done irrespective of any criteria like age,sex,occupation,socioeconomic status etc… SYSTEMIC RANDOM SAMPLING Sampling is done in a normal frequency Eg:from a group of 100 individuals sampling taken of 10th’,20th;,30th’…..100th’ individuals. STRATIFIED RANDOM SAMPLING Sampling is done depending upon some strata like area,religion etc….