Wake County Public School System


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Presentation transcript:

Wake County Public School System AIG 3 YEAR PLAN Wake County Public School System

Purpose of the AIG Plan To identify and establish a procedure for providing appropriate educational services to each academically or intellectually gifted student. Local AIG plans must include the guidelines developed by the AIG Program Standards approved by State Board of Education and State Legislation Article 9b. Pages referenced throughout this presentation correlate with the WCPSS AIG plan.

Department of Public Instruction Local Plan Format Required to address six standards and established number of practices within each standard (reference pgs. 11-12) Standard 1 Student Identification: (7 practices) Standard 2 Differentiated Curriculum and Instruction: (9 practices) Standard 3 enel and Professional Development: (7 practices) Standard 4 Comprehensive Programming within a Total School Community: (10 practices) Standard 5 Partnerships: (5 practices) Standard 6 Program Accountability: (11 practices)

Major Shifts Standard 1: Identification Process Standard 2: Nurturing Programs and Co-Teaching and Collaboration Models Standard 3: Professional Development Standard 4: Services for Traditionally Underrepresented Students Standard 5: Improving Communication Structures Standard 6: Monitoring Program Effectiveness and Budget Process

Standard 1 Student Identification Practice A-D (pgs. 15-27) Creation of 5 gateways will offer a variety of opportunities for identification for AIG services Emphasis will be placed on increasing communication with all stakeholders regarding the various gateways for identification Articulates and disseminates clear, comprehensive, and equitable screening, referral, and identification processes for all grade levels to school personnel, parents,/families, students, and the community at large Practice B – D: Each of these practices speaks to the expansion of our reach in identification. This is done through the implementation of traditional and non-traditional standardization measures, multiple gateways, and targeting underrepresented populations (pgs 19-27).

Gateway #1 Gateway #2 Gateway #3 Gateway #4 Gateway #5 Students scoring > 95% on both a qualifying CogAT score AND Iowa total reading and/or total math score are identified in the area(s) in which the scores align Gateway #2 Students scoring >95% on qualifying CogAT score AND <95% on Iowa reading and/or math The WJ III is administered in reading and/or math. The achievement areas administered are determined by the qualifying CogAT score. Students scoring > 95% on the WJ III paired with a qualifyinq CogAT score are identified in the area(s) in which the scores align Students scoring scoring >95% on Iowa reading and/or math and <95% on a qualifying CogAT score Either the Reynolds Intellectual Screening Test (RIST) OR the Raven Standard Progressive Matrices is administered. Students scoring > 95% on the individual aptitude (RIST or Raven) paired with the Iowa reading and/or math are identified in the area(s) in which the scores align Gateway #3 > 98% on CogAT Composite or Partial Composite are identified in reading and math > 98% on Iowa reading and/or math > 98% on EOG/EOC scores in reading and/or math from the current or the previous school year which align with qualifying Iowa score Students are identified in the area(s) in which the scores align Gateway #4 Students scoring >95% on a qualifying CogAT > 95% on EOG/EOC scores in reading and/or math from the current or the previous school year which align with qualifying CogAT score Students are idenified in the area(s) in which the scores align A GRS with scores >88% in three of the five scales. Students scoring > 95% on the Iowa Assessments in reading and /or math > 95% on EOG/EOC scores in reading and/or math from the current or the previous school year which align with qualifying Iowa score Gateway #5 Student’s portfolio data demonstrates consistent performance 1-2 grade levels above the student’s current grade Referral made by the SBCGE for an individual psychological evaluation. This evaluation may include individual aptitude and/ or achievement assessments. For specific identification criteria for Gateway #5, see AIG Identification Table

Standard 2 Differentiated Curriculum and Instruction Practice B: (pgs. 36-37 & Appendix D pg.101) Standard 2 provides detailed information for the services and programming available to gifted students, students who are highly capable, students who have high academic potential, and students who need nurturing to discover potential. Employ diverse and effective instructional practices according to students’ identified abilities, readiness, interest, and learning profiles to address a range of learning needs at all grade levels. Implementation of the Co-Teaching and Collaborative Consultation Model (pgs. 36&37 and Appendix D pg101)

Co-Teaching and Collaboration The Co-Teaching and Collaborative Consultation Model, commonly referred to as push-in, will be how most students are served. ES-Weekly services to extend and enrich Common Core Standards MS-AIG as facilitator; improve services for AIG students within regular classes to meet learner needs Some gifted students may need to participate in enrichment and extension activities outside of the regular education classroom, commonly referred to as pull-out, to meet their individual needs. ES-Every AIG identified student will be pulled out of class a minimum of 3 times each quarter with units clearly communicated to describe acceleration beyond the regular curriculum. MS-AIG students will be pulled out of class when appropriate for acceleration beyond the regular curriculum.

Co-Teaching Approaches Six Approaches to Co-Teaching: 1. One Teach, One Observe 2. One Teach, One Assist 3. Parallel Teaching 4. Station Teaching 5. Alternative Teaching 6. Team Teaching Video is about Special Ed-so relate to AIG Co-Teaching and Collaboration Video

Sample ES Schedules

Sample MS Schedule

Standard 2 Differentiated Curriculum and Instruction Practice G: (pgs. 45-46) Cultivates and develops the potential of young (K-3) students through purposeful and intentional strategies and differentiated curriculum and instruction. The identification of our underserved students remains an issue in our nation and across our state. Top priority to promote growth and assist in closing the achievement Expand the implementation of a comprehensive, and intentional, K-3, nurturing program. K-2 P.E.T.S Primary Challenge Math U~STARS New Initiative pilot at target schools to begin 2014-2015

Differentiated Curriculum and Instruction Full Implementation of Nurturing Programs at K-2 and 3rd grade, targeting underrepresented students at all schools P.E.T.S U~STARS+ KITS (Kids Into Thinking Skills) New initiative at target schools for pilot 2014-2015

Standard 3 Professional Development Practice E: ( pgs. 52 ) Aligns professional development with local AIG program goals and other district initiatives.

Professional Development Training for various school staff focused on the social- emotional needs of gifted students as well as improving instructional practices including differentiation and rigor. Provide resources and training around best instructional practices (questioning, problem-based learning, critical thinking, multiple intelligences, and interdisciplinary models) for meeting individual student needs of AIG identified students while also nurturing highly capable students.

Standard 3 Personnel and Professional Development Practice G: (pg. 59) Ensures that school counseling personnel, regular education teachers, AIG specialists, parents/families, and others collaborate to address the social and emotional needs of AIG students.

Personnel and Professional Development Provide opportunities for AIG, and other teachers, to plan, implement, and refine strategies & skills to assist in promoting high achievement and growth. Consultant training for Differentiation & Rigor with regular classroom & AIG teachers Establish a relationship with the Office of Professional Learning to create professional learning opportunities within WCPSS. Create online modules for all teachers to access Provide professional learning opportunities for AIG, and other teachers, by state and nationally recognized consultants. Consultant to train regular classroom & AIG teachers with Co- Teaching & Collaboration Models Consultant to train in collaboration with Counseling & Student Services and School Psychologists

Standard 4 Comprehensive Programming with Total School Community Practice I: (pgs. 70-71) Encourages extra-curricular programs and events that enhance and further develop the needs and interests of AIG students. U-STARS targets specifically underrepresented groups. With regards to the RtI model, if a student in Tier I is referred to the RtI team because of behaviors, the AIG teacher sits on the RtI commmittee may recognize the need for enrichment interventions as opposed to behavior interventions.

Comprehensive Programming with Total School Community Provides intentional communication for traditionally underrepresented AIG populations, including culturally/ethnically diverse, economically disadvantaged, English language learners, highly gifted, and twice- exceptional encouraging participation. Odyssey of the Mind N.C. State SMILE Camp Battle of the Books Scripps Spelling Bee Science Olympiad Duke TIP PAGE Super Saturdays

Standard 5 Partnerships Practice A: (pgs. 73-74) Develops partnerships to support the academic, intellectual, social, and emotional needs of AIG students.

Partnerships Program communication available to all stakeholders in a variety of forms including, but not limited to: School and classroom newsletters Teacher and School websites/pages WCPSS website District sponsored events.

Standard 5 Partnerships Practice C: pg. 75 Involves stakeholders, reflecting the diversity of AIG parents/families and the community, in the development, implementation, and monitoring of the local AIG program and plan

Partnerships An AIG Advisory Committee, representative of the diversity of our district, to collaborate regarding program services and plan will continue to seek to be an integral component for continuous improvement. Plan revision Policy revision Parent feedback Community forums

Implementation Timeline Co-teaching and collaboration training will be held Spring/Summer 2014 and begin with the 2014-2015 school year. Team of three: ES= 1 Fourth grade teacher, 1 Fifth grade teacher, and the AIG teacher MS= 1 Sixth grade teacher, 1 Seventh grade teacher, and the AIG teacher Need strong commitment from these teachers because they will be the model for your school Similar concept for AIG as with other special education populations Differentiation and Rigor Spring/Summer 2014

Implementation Timeline The Gateways of identification will begin with the Fall 2014-2015. All AIG teachers on assigned day-March 28th or March 31st- will receive training along with other plan information. Students identified under the old model will continue to receive AIG services and will be part of the push in cluster group and/or pull out programs as needed. Social-Emotional Needs training Fall 2014-2015. Collaboration with Duke TIP, WCPSS Counseling & Student Services, WCPSS School Psychologists, WCPSS classroom teachers, and AIG teachers to determine strategies to best meet individual student needs. Partnership with Office of Magnet Programs Spring/Summer 2014. Collaboration regarding implementation of WCPSS 2013-2016 AIG plan in relation to magnet programs.

WCPSS AIG Plan Available on WCPSS Internet & Intranet http://www.wcpss.net/what-we-teach/services/aig-plan.pdf Posted to Principal Wiki Posted to AIG PB Works

WCPSS AIG Central Services Staff Dr. Ruth Steidinger, Senior Director APS Wendy Carlyle, Director AIG Pam Young, AIG Psychologist Marsha Wilcox, AIG CT Melba Spivey, AIG CT Michelle Azzu Gainey, AIG CT Shani Brown, AIG CT Madelaine Roque, AIG Support Staff Contact Information provided on sheet in packet & will be posted to Principal Wiki