Universal Pre-K Alma Simpson, Coordinator 21 st Century Instructional Materials Monica Harless Office of School Readiness Instructional Materials Review Committee Orientation
2 Welcome & Introductions World Languages
Tentative Schedule Introduction Breakfast (8:00) Q & A (9:00) Review Materials Practice Break ((10:00) Review Materials Lunch (12:00) Review Review Materials Break (2:30) Wrap-Up (3:00) Adjourn (4:00) Introduction Breakfast (8:00) Orientation (9:00) Organize Materials Practice Break (10:00) Review Scholastic Lunch (12:00) Review Review Materials Break (2:30) Wrap-Up (3:00) Adjourn (4:00)
4 Lets Begin by Talking Ethics
§ Guidelines Any/all item(s) submitted for bid shall not be given away during the period of time beginning with the call for instructional materials and ending at the conclusion of the contract period, except for those items defined in Section 7. 5
§ Services to Counties and Schools Publishers, vendors, agents, and/or their representatives/affiliates shall refrain from contacting any employee of a West Virginia county school system, any member of a county board of education, and/or any group or individual who may have influence over the adoption of instructional materials to discuss items that are or may be on that companys official bid submission for that adoption cycle. This blackout period will begin on the date the West Virginia Call for Materials is issued and will end on the day after the WVBE approves the Official State Multiple List of Instructional Materials. 6
§ Guidelines Free and/or Loaned Items - Each vendor shall declare on the bid any/all free and loaned items that will be given to any county or school free of charge upon adoption/purchase. … No changes will be permitted after the vendor hearing date and the declaration shall become part of the contract for the adoption period All items to be loaned or given free, supplementary or otherwise, shall be provided during the review/hearing period for committee members to observe if requested by the Advisory Committee. 7
West Virginia Code 18-2A Adoption of Instructional Materials § 18-2A-9 Gifts and bribes to influence adoption of books, instructional materials or learning technologies is a felony… …no person shall receive, solicit, or accept a gift, present, or thing of value to influence that individual in the vote for the adoption of books, instructional materials or learning technologies… accept of books, instructional materials or learning technologies… is guilty of a felony, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by confinement in the penitentiary for not less than one year nor more than three years. 8
Acceptable Gifts WV Ethics Commission 9
Background of the Adoption Process West Virginia is one of 22 Adoption States WV Educators write the criteria. The Department Issues a Call to Bid. Interested vendors submit bids, sign a contract & post a bond. WV educators review materials. Approved materials are placed on Official State Multiple List. 10
Adoption Cycle The establishment of groupings and periods of adoption complies with W. Va. Code §18-2A-1, Adoption of Instructional Resources. The West Virginia Instructional Materials Review/Advisory Committee, acting as a total body, is expected to select textbooks (instructional materials) for each group for recommendation to be approved and published in the yearly Official State Multiple List of Instructional Materials. West Virginia Code §18-2A-1 11
ADOPTION PERIOD* July 1 - June 30 Group SUBJECTS Required subjects, as applicable, in Early Childhood Education, Middle Childhood Education, and Adolescent Education, unless otherwise indicated. Early and Middle Childhood Education Adolescent Education 2011 to Special Universal Pre-K 21 st Century Tools 2012Special21 st Century Tools 2013 to 2019I Social Studies 2014 to 2020II Science Health Science Health 2015 to 2021 III Music, Art Dance, Theatre Music, Art, Dance Theatre, Driver Ed, Agriculture Ed 2016 to 2022IV Integrated Reading/Literature English Language Arts Integrated Reading/Literature English Language Arts 2017 to 2023 VWorld Languages 2018 to 2024 VIMathematics 12
Group I Social Studies Pre-K Group II Science Health Group III Music, Art, Dance Theatre, Driver Ed, Agriculture Ed Group IV Integrated Reading English Language Arts Group V World Languages Group VI Mathematics
Criteria Developed (September) Multiple List Approved (November) Multiple List Available to Counties (December/Januar y) Call to Bid issued (January) Bids Submitted (April) Counties Adopt (May 1) Review of Instructional Materials (May) Deliberations (August) Appeals (September) 14
15 R-E-S-P-O-N-S-E CRITERIA NOTES YesNoN/A I. INTER-ETHNIC The instructional material meets the requirements of inter-ethnic: concepts, content and illustrations, as set by West Virginia Board of Education Policy (Adopted December 1970). II. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY The instructional material meets the requirements of equal opportunity: concept, content, illustration, heritage, roles contributions, experiences and achievements of males and females in American and other cultures, as set by West Virginia Board of Education Policy (Adopted May 1975). PUBLISHER: SUBJECT: SPECIFIC GRADE: COURSE: TITLE: COPYRIGHT DATE: SE ISBN: TE ISBN: GENERIC EVALUATION CRITERIA Special Call Universal Pre-K
16 (Vendor/Publisher) SPECIFIC LOCATION OF CONTENT WITHIN PRODUCT (IMR Committee) Responses I=In-depthA=AdequateM=MinimalN=NonexistentIAMN A.Philosophy Curriculum is based on current research and knowledge of child development and learning styles. It should reflect an understanding of how children learn and develop by: 1.Addressing the developmental needs of children through practices that are consistent with current research, nationally recognized, and most effective practices. (All domains are taught in an integrated manner, not in isolation.) 2.Valuing exploration, creativity and construction as the childs primary learning approaches (Children are actively moving about the room, interacting, exploring and investigating their environment.) 3.Engaging children actively in the learning process and providing them opportunities to make meaningful choices. (Worksheets are not utilized in any manner.) 4.Responding to individual child interests, strengths and needs based on ongoing observation and assessment. (Sequence of content is determined by individual child assessment and child interest.) 5.Supporting children so they will view themselves as part of a larger community (Childrens needs and interests should be considered, and peer to peer opportunities should be supported.) 6.Emphasize 21 st century learning skills for the development of processing skills through strategies such as open-ended questions, investigations, imaginative and dramatic play, and peer interactions. (Flashcards or worksheets are not utilized in any manner.) General Criteria In addition to alignment of Content Standards and Objectives (CSOs), materials must also clearly connect to Learning for the 21 st Century which includes opportunities for students to develop
Specific Criteria A. Curriculum Social & Emotional The Arts Physical Health & Development Language & Literacy Mathematics Science Representation & Symbolic thinking B. Assessment 17 C. Guidance D. Families E. Learning Environment Defined learning centers & program components must include Block Area Book Area Science & Nature Area
Assessing the Content I = (In-Depth) extensively addresses the criteria item A = (Adequate) addresses criteria item adequately M = (Minimal) criteria item addressed minimally and would require additional (supplemental) materials to develop the concept N = (Non-Existent) not acceptable as presented 18
Resources to be Reviewed 19 Correlations Guide the Review Guidance Literature Additional resources to which correlations were made. In this case, all items should come in one package. Access to technology must be provided and reviewed.
Qualifications for Approval Based upon all the criteria for subject and grade level, 80% of the criteria must be rated I or A to be an accepted program For an accepted program to qualify as an in-depth program, 80% of the criteria rated I and A must be rated I For Example: If the criteria consists of 100 items, at least 80 of those items must receive a score of I or A. 21
Questions? 22
23 Instructional Materials Website s/
26 Contact me when questions arise.