The Revised CSOs Denise White, WVDE. 21 st Century Learning Mission To grow the seeds of greatness in every child, teaching them to achieve to their fullest.


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Presentation transcript:

The Revised CSOs Denise White, WVDE

21 st Century Learning Mission To grow the seeds of greatness in every child, teaching them to achieve to their fullest potential so that they may be globally intelligent and resilient in our 21 st Century world. Dr. Steven Paine

Policy Policy Definition of Curriculum The content standards, objectives and performance descriptors for all required and elective content areas and 21 st century learning skills and technology tools at each programmatic level

How Did We Get The CSOs? Teachers selected National Standards reviewed o IRA/NCTE Standards o College Board Standards o Principles and Standards for School Mathematics o Curriculum Focal Points – NCTM o American Diploma Projects Achieve K-12 Benchmarks

How Did We Get The CSOs? Assessment Reviews o National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) o ACT o SAT o TIM S S o PISA National Reviews o Dr. Norm Webb o Dr. William Schmidt o Partnership for 21 st Century Skills

Policy – 21 st Century Reading and English Language Arts st Century Mathematics Effective July 1, 2008

The Rigor/Relevance Framework A Acquisition B Application C Assimilation D Adaptation KNOWLEDGEKNOWLEDGE TAXONOMYTAXONOMY Evaluation Synthesis Analysis Application Understanding Awareness APPLICATION MODEL KnowledgeApply in discipline Apply across disciplines Apply to real world predictable situations Apply to real- world unpredictable situations

Three Ways to Improve Student Learning Raise the level of rigor in the content standards and objectives Increase the skill and knowledge of teachers in teaching the content Engage students in active learning designed around the standards for content, learning skills and technology tools.

So whats different about these Content Standards and Objectives?

Depth of Knowledge Level 1 – Recall, recognition. Skill, a behavior or sequence of behaviors learned through practice and easily performed Level 2 – Application of skills, concepts; conceptual understanding; procedural understanding Level 3 – More sophisticated reasoning and analysis; students required to solve problems, draw conclusions given data, arguments, situations and other information; construct mental models translating among different representations; justifying from evidence; summarizing a body of text Level 4 – Extended thinking; requires integration of knowledge from multiple sources and ability to represent knowledge in a variety of ways; usually requires work over a period of time

RELA CSO Comparison – Grade 4 Previous Policy RLA summarize the authors purpose (e.g., to persuade; to inform; to determine a specific viewpoint). Revised Policy RLA.O determine authors purposes in literary and informational texts and use supporting material to justify authors intent: –To persuade –To entertain –To inform –To determine a specific viewpoint

RELA CSO Comparison Previous Policy RLA.O recognize connections among ideas in literary and informational text (e.g. text to self, text-to- text, text to world connection) and recognize that global awareness promotes understanding, tolerance, and acceptance of ethnic, cultural, religious and personal differences. Revised Policy RLA relate literary theme to global situations.

RELA CSO Comparison Previous PolicyRevised Policy RLA.O use literary and informational texts to summarize, determine story elements, determine cause and effect, compare and contrast, paraphrase, infer, predict, sequence, draw conclusions, describe characters, and provide main idea and support details. RLA use comprehension skills to understand a story (e.g., story elements; sequence; expository works; drawing conclusions; compare/contrast; predict; summarize; infer; paraphrase; main idea; story topic).

RELA CSO Comparison Previous PolicyRevised Policy RLA.O differentiate and apply comprehension strategies in literary and informational texts to draw conclusions predict use context clues summarize judge text critically RLA use comprehension skills (e.g., draw conclusions; predict; use context clues; summarize)

Essential Question: What is it we want all students to learn?

UNPACKING THE CSOS What basic knowledge will my students need to master this objective? What reasoning skills will students need? What performances/skills must students have if they master the objective? What products must students produce with mastery?

LEARNING TARGETS Knowledge Reasoning Performance/Skills Products

KNOWLEDGE TARGETS Mastery of substantive subject content where mastery includes both knowing and understanding it.

KNOWLEDGE EXAMPLES Identify sight words Identify similes and metaphors Know defining characteristics of various literary genres

REASONING TARGETS The ability to use knowledge and understanding to figure things out and to solve problems.

REASONING EXAMPLES Make a prediction based on evidence. Examine data/results and propose a meaningful interpretation. Distinguish between fact and opinion. Evaluate information from a variety of resources.

PERFORMANCE/SKILL TARGETS The development of proficiency in doing something where the process is most important.

PERFORMANCE/SKILL EXAMPLES Read aloud with fluency and expression. Practice appropriate sight words and content vocabulary Use self-correction strategies.

PRODUCT TARGETS The development of proficiency in creating something where the final product is most important.

PRODUCT EXAMPLES Produce a grammatically correct sentence. Develop a proper paragraph form in a written composition. Compose a written composition using the five-step writing process.

RLA.O determine the authors purpose in literary and informational texts and use supporting material to justify authors intent: to persuade to entertain to inform to determine a specific viewpoint KNOWLEDGE: Know what authors purpose is Know the difference in literary and informational texts Know the characteristics of writing designed to persuade Know the characteristics of writing designed to entertain Know the characteristics of writing designed to inform Know the characteristics of writing designed to designed to express a specific viewpoint

REASONING: Decide on the authors purpose in a literary text Decide on the authors purpose in an informational text Determine if the author is trying to persuade, entertain, inform, or express a specific viewpoint RLA.O determine the authors purpose in literary and informational texts and use supporting material to justify authors intent: to persuade to entertain to inform to determine a specific viewpoint

Performance: Use supporting material to justify authors intent RLA.O determine the authors purpose in literary and informational texts and use supporting material to justify authors intent: to persuade to entertain to inform to determine a specific viewpoint

Product: None specified RLA.O determine the authors purpose in literary and informational texts and use supporting material to justify authors intent: to persuade to entertain to inform to determine a specific viewpoint

YOUR TURN! Work with a partner. Use the sheet that has been placed on your table. Identify the different learning targets of the Objective using the guiding questions. Discuss as a table group.

Interactive CSOs

The Rigor/Relevance Framework A Acquisition B Application C Assimilation D Adaptation KNOWLEDGEKNOWLEDGE TAXONOMYTAXONOMY Evaluation Synthesis Analysis Application Understanding Awareness APPLICATION MODEL KnowledgeApply in discipline Apply across disciplines Apply to real world predictable situations Apply to real- world unpredictable situations
