An individual’s unique patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that persists over time and across situations. An individual’s characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling, and acting 2
Personality Perspectives Trait theories (Biological) Psychodynamic theories Behaviorism Social-Learning Theories Humanistic theories Social-Cognitive theories © Prentice Hall, 1999 3
Biological Perspective Major themes & assumptions 1.personality characteristics genetically determined 2.behavioral tendencies come from evolutionary history 3.behavior is produced by complex biological system (e.g. hormones, neurotransmitters) strengths: twin/adoption studies pharmacological intervention
Four Humors
Sheldon’s Empirical Findings 500 boys in Residential Rehabilitation 8 Year Study 60% of Delinquents were Mesomorphs 30% were non Mesomorphs Somatotypes have found a particularly durable employment in the field of delinquency and criminology. Perhaps the best known aspect of the Varieties of Delinquent Youth is that the young men on the whole are more mesomorphic and less ectomorphic than both the general population and their collegiate counterparts. This assertion caused a certain stir at the time of its publication, but subsequent studies have reaffirmed it time and again. For example, Sheldon Glueck and Eleanor Glueck in Physique and Delinquency (1956) compared almost 500 delinquents with 500 non-delinquents, and they found that roughly 60% of the delinquents were mesomorphic compared with 30% of the non-delinquents.
Personality Types William Sheldon (1954) Somatoform Typology (Physiognomy) Sheldon’s body types only modestly link to personality traits. The stereotypes are just that, stereotypes
Mesomorphic Body Type: The Mesomorph Mesomorphic Body Type: hard, muscular body overly mature appearance rectangular shaped thick skin upright posture Associated personality traits: adventurous desire for power/dominance courageous indifference to others assertive, bold zest for physical activity competitive love of risk/chance Well defined muscles, large bones. Tapered torso. Large broad cubicle face. Heavy textured hair. Sometimes tans well.
Endomorphic Body Type: The Endomorph Endomorphic Body Type: soft body underdeveloped muscles round shaped over-developed digestive system Associated personality traits: love of food tolerant evenness of emotions love of comfort sociable good humored relaxed need for affection Round and soft. Mass concentrated in abdomen. Short tapered limbs. Hands and feet comparatively small. Upper arms and thighs developed. Large broad face. Fine hair. Smooth skin. Spherical head.
Ectomorphic Body Type: The Ectomorph Ectomorphic Body Type: thin flat chest delicate build young appearance tall lightly muscled stoop-shouldered large brain Associated personality traits: self-conscious preference for privacy introverted inhibited socially anxious artistic mentally intense emotionally restrained These body types have been used to predict an athletes innate ability Ecto has Latin Roots meaning outside. Delicate, Does not gain weight easily. Flat chest. Fragile. Lean. Lightly muscled. Small shouldered. Ling fingers toes necks, sharp features, receding lower jaw. Low Body fat, suffers from graet cold..
“Biopsychological Constitutional Typology” Ernst Kretschmer “Biopsychological Constitutional Typology” Pyknic-heavy, soft body, lacks spontaneity/sophistication. Commit nonviolent property crimes Athletic-muscular body type aggressive,bully,loud Commit violent offenses Leptosome- tall/thin highly emotional, unable to control themselves, Commit sexual offenses/crimes of passion. (1) leptosome or asthenic [tall and thin], (2) athletic [well developed muscles], and (3) pyknic [short and fat].
Trait Perspective Gordon Allport Described personality as fundamental traits Wanted to describe individual traits, not explain them Traits People’s characteristic pattern of behavior or feeling action; our conscious (rather than unconscious) motives
Trait Perspective How do we describe & classify different personalities? (Type A vs Type B or Depressed vs Cheerful?) Hans Eysenck's three factor model extraversion, neuroticism, psychoticism
The Big Five Cardinal Traits Emotional Stability Extraversion Openness Calm/Anxious Secure/Insecure Emotional Stability Sociable/Retiring Fun Loving/Sober Extraversion Imaginative/Practical Independent/Conforming Openness Soft-Hearted/Ruthless Trusting/Suspicious Agreeableness Organized/Disorganized Careful/Careless Conscientiousness
Assessing Traits How can we assess traits? (aim to simplify person’s behavior patterns) MMPI most widely used personality inventory assess psychological disorders (not normal traits) empirically derived - test items selected based upon how well they discriminate groups of traits Myers-Briggs Type Indicator - classifies people based upon responses to 126 questions