Review & Adoption Instructional Materials January 2013 Group I Social Studies K-12 Off-Cycle Review Mathematics K-8 1
2 Topics Addressed Adoption Considerations Demonstration of Interactive Multiple List Additional Resources Available Explanation of Caravan Recent Policy Changes Contact Information
Adoption Considerations 3 Consider all of the criteria when making the decision as to which resource to adopt. Criteria includes grade level social studies content in all grades as well as literacy standards for social studies in Grades The criteria was written so that the literacy standards would not outweigh the content standards. Literacy in social studies will have a significant impact on overall literacy as will be reflected in the next generation assessments. All elementary grades include objectives for West Virginia studies and are therefore required to be taught. These objectives were not, however, included in the review criteria so quality program in all other areas would not be eliminated. Resources for teaching West Virginia studies are available online at no cost.
Adoption Considerations 4 The number of companies producing instructional resources has declined significantly. Many smaller companies have been purchased by larger publishing houses and many more publishers have merged to form one large company. With this trend, fewer instructional resources are being developed and fewer are being submitted for review. The implication of this trend is fewer materials will be available from which districts can select. With the exception of Grades K-5, all materials approved as primary resources come in a variety of formats. Each county will have to take its technology capabilities into consideration when deciding on the format that best meets its needs.
Adoption Considerations 5 One resource per student is no longer required by the OEPA. That office looks for equal access to quality resources for all students and classrooms. When making decisions about what to adopt, a district may want to consider selecting a variety of formats, for example one classroom set of a print resource; a classroom set of iPad apps, a classroom license to an online resource; etc. When selecting classroom sets of a resource in different formats, a county may want to consider adopting materials from multiple companies. Waiver requests can be made from the school, county, or RESA level. Guidance will be provided on creating a waiver request. The deadline for submitting waiver requests is May 1.
Instructional Materials Caravan 30
9:00 to 3:00 at each location Registration and Continental Breakfast 8:15 – 8:55 January 17 – RESA 2 Big Sandy Arena, Huntington January 22 – RESA 5 RESA 5 Office Building, Parkersburg January 23 – RESA 6 West Liberty Universtiyt ~ Highland Center January 28 – RESA 3 RESA Office Buildling - Dunbar January 29 – RESA 4 Summersville Convention Center January 31 – RESA 7 Lakeview Resort February 1 – RESA 8 Keyser High School February 2 – RESA 8 James Ramsey Tech School February 5 – RESA 1 Beckley Raleigh Co Convention Center 31 Instructional Materials Caravan
32 TimeRoom 1* HMH Room 2* Pearson Room 3* McGraw Hill Room 4* Others 8:00 – 8:55 9:00 – 9:55Grade 6 & 7Grade 9Econ & GeoWVU Grade 12 9:55 – 10:05Transition/Break 10:05- ll:00Grade 9Grade 10 & 11Grade 6 & 7Cengage Econ 11:00 – 11:10Transition/Break 11:10 – 12:05Grades 10 & 11Grade 12Grade 9 Cengage dba National Geographic Grade 7 12:05 – 1:00Lunch 1:00 – 1:55Grade 12Econ & GeoGrades 10 & 11Clairmont Gr 8 1:55 – 2:05Transition/Break 2:05 – 3:00Econ & Geo Presentation Schedule *Correct Room Numbers will be provided for each venue.
33 Changes in Policy Adoption, Use, and Groupings of Instructional Resources for Grades Pre-Kindergarten through Grade 12 Approved by WV BOE January 9, 2013 Effective Date February 11, 2013
34 § Title The proposed title revision, Adoption, Use and Groupings of Instructional Resources for Grades Pre-Kindergarten – Grade 12, makes the title more succinct while reflecting the subject of both policies that will be combined into one. § Purpose The proposed revision will state the purpose of the two policies that will be incorporated into one. § Rules The proposed revision includes the addition of Policy language. The proposed revision removes the automatic exemption for students with an IEP, thereby ensuring all students have access to high quality, grade level materials.
35 § Grouping of Instructional Resources The proposed revision switches the adoption years of materials for science and English Language Arts The proposed revision will include materials for Pre-Kindergarten classrooms. The proposed revision removes the need for an attachment by including the groupings for adoption periods in a table within the body of the policy. The proposed revision calls for the adoption schedule to be available on the West Virginia Department of Education Instructional Materials website as well as included in the call for instructional materials issued to publishers.
36 § Grouping of Instructional Resources The proposed revision allows for the assessment of a non-refundable fee for the review of instructional materials submitted for review during off- cycle years. In this proposed revision, the fee will be determined annually and included in the call for materials issued to publishers. Appendix A: The proposed revision incorporates the Appendix within the body of the Policy.
37 Contact Information Phone: