World History AP DBQ What is unique about this type of DBQ?
T.E.A.M.G.A.P On the testing day there will be no rubric so try to remember this: T-thesis should always address task (underline and return back to it) it should be in the introductory paragraph E- evidence should come from the documents cited and with… A- analysis explaining how the evidence supports persuasively your thesis M-meaning of the documents and how they can provide understanding of how they support your thesis and how they can be… Grouped- by theme, time, region, perspective, class in a least three ways. A-additional document or missing voice. What kind of additional document or perspective would add a stronger narrative and what value would it provide and P; Point of view or as of at least 2(3 would be better) documents.
What to do with the ten minutes given Underline the task and revisit often because you will need to address it in your thesis Look at sources and see if you can identify ways to group them Are there any obvious biases (title, region, rank, gender, date)? Underline key pieces of info like data, strong wording, caricatures, personal knowledge about the document.
Then… Introduce what you know about the subject Write down thesis ( get it out of the way) Write down additional document and its importance (although it makes good writing sense to put it in the conclusion, you are just writing a rough draft and have gotten 2 points done in the intro) Remember, you can’t make it to the expanded core until you get all the basic
Graphic organizer Grouping the documents ( usually three ways) Ex, political, economic or cultural ( think SPICE) By station, class, gender or region Today’s documents are all the same source by Prof. Jared Diamond 3 sentence summary provides a overview
How might it look? Bias/POV: As you read your passage, why might Prof. Diamond view this event as the worst? Superlatives like worse usually help identify some bias. Prof Diamond in document #3 argues that hunters and gatherers are not nasty and brutish and defends their diet as more stable and well-rounded compared to, say, the Irish farmers who died of starvation.
Additional Document/Missing Voice History is an incomplete record but what other sources mighty help? Ex. The perspective of a hunter gatherer today who might help to support the claims of Prof. Diamond as either good or bad Ex. A farmer who assimilated recently from a nomadic existence to determine if their life dramatically improved or grew worse. Ex. DNA data of a Neolithic site to identify immune systems and argue if they grew worse due to new lifestyles.
Thesis: The impacts of the Neolithic Revolution are the subject of much debate whether they led to great conflicts or advancement, developed social inequalities or opportunities or provided a more diverse diet or potentiall end of times. An additional document from a woman in a hunter gatherer society would provide much needed perspective to illustrate challenges in a pre- neolithic society Doc #1 can be grouped either politically or environmentally. The author ethnocentrically looks at the historical developments of man as superior and addresses the advances from a historically imperialist fashion as a Brit, he might share this as the sun once never set on their empire. A document from someone imperialized by the British might provide a contradictory perspective allowing to see the destruction of land, culture and peoples.
Your Turn Evaluate the grouping of your document( theme, region, source) Establish a 3 sentence summary ( or less) Evaluate bias/POV What missing voice or additional document might counter the document.