Persecution in Central Europe and its consequences on the lives of SHARE respondents Radim Bohacek, Michal Myck
European history in SHARE data Persecution and property dispossession in SHARE Life: - documentation of significant “shocks” in people’s lives and the degree of reported persecution in Europe; - comparison of forms and degree of persecution experiences in three communist countries: CZ, GDR and PL; - analysis of immediate and long-term consequences of persecution; General issues/problems: - any estimated effects will be lower bounds: - differential mortality and emigration as direct or indirect consequence of persecution; - non-randomness of persecution (highly educated and wealthy)
European history in SHARE data Outline: - persecution questions in SHARE; - degree of persecution in all countries in SHARE Life data; - focus on three countries: CZ, GDR and PL: - degree and timing of dispossession; - main reasons for persecution; - persecution and immediate labour market consequences; - persecution and long term effects on health and life satisfaction; - conclusions.
Persecution in SHARE Life data Persecution and property dispossession in SHARE Life: Defining persecution (Rummel, 1994): “Responsibility of a government, regime or a self-governing group for an unarmed and non-physically threatening person’s death, imprisonment, dispossession and deprivation of individual rights and freedoms.” Victims of persecution in Europe: - WWII, post-war forced migration, communist regimes, civil wars, colonial wars; - individuals persecuted outside Europe who migrated as a result.
Persecution in SHARE Life data Persecution and property dispossession in SHARE Life: - There are times, in which people are persecuted or discriminated against, for example because of their political beliefs, religion, nationality, ethnicity, sexual orientation or their background. People may also be persecuted or discriminated against because of the political beliefs or the religion of their close relatives. Have you ever been the victim of such persecution or discrimination? - There may be cases when individuals and their families are dispossessed of their property as a result of war or persecution. Were you or your family ever dispossessed of any property as a result of war or persecution?
Figure 1: Persecution and dispossession in the SHARE Life Sample Persecution in SHARE Life data
Figure 2: Persecution and dispossession in the SHARE Life Sample – individuals born within current borders of country of residence Persecution in SHARE Life data
Figure 3: Persecution and dispossession in the SHARE Life Sample – individuals born outside current borders of country of residence Persecution in SHARE Life data
“Discriminating persecution” – odds ratios of the effect of status at childhood (books at the age of 10: 2+ shelves) on persecution. Persecution in SHARE Life data
Persecution in Central Europe Persecution and property dispossession in SHARE Life – focus on Central European communist regimes: - CZ, GDR and PL: - all experienced Soviet-controlled communist regimes over similar period of time; - WWII and post-war experiences of forced migration; - interesting to understand differences in the form and consequences of persecution.
Persecution and property dispossession in SHARE Life – focus on Central European communist regimes: - CZ, GDR and PL: Czech RepublicGDRPoland Ever persecuted:YesNoYesNoYesNo Number of observations Average age Female (%) Persecution in Central Europe
Immediate consequences of dispossession and persecution Persecution in Central Europe
Figure 4: Timing of dispossession in Central Europe Persecution in Central Europe
Figure 5: Type of property lost to dispossession in Central Europe Persecution in Central Europe
Figure 6: The main reason for persecution in Central Europe Persecution in Central Europe
Figure 7: Persecution and direct job implications in Central Europe Persecution in Central Europe
Long term effects of persecution on health and overall life satisfaction - odds ratios of the effect of persecution on current outcomes (outcomes taken from W2 and SHARE Life) Persecution in Central Europe
Figure 8: Persecution and long-term effects on health in Central Europe Persecution in Central Europe
Figure 9: Persecution and long-term effects on life satisfaction in Central Europe Persecution in Central Europe
Conclusions A relatively high degree of experience of persecution and dispossession across Europe, highest level in CZ, DE, FR and PL. Evidence of persecution-driven migration. Important differences in timing and immediate consequences of persecution in the SHARE communist regimes (CZ, GDR and PL). Significant effects of persecution on current outcomes: - effects on health in Poland; - effects on job satisfaction in Czech Republic.
21 Conclusions SHARE Life data documents important major events in European history with potential significant consequences for welfare in old age. Our results and policy implications: - significant “shocks” may have long lasting consequences for welfare – might call for greater responsibility of democratic governments to compensate victims of persecution (and take greater care of persecuted immigrants); - “harassment” at work may have long-lasting effects on job satisfaction.