A Time of Crisis 8.5
The Black Death The Black Death came to Europe in 1347 when a fleet of Genoese trading ships headed for Sicily. The Black Death was the bubonic plague spread by fleas and carried by rats. The plague had broken out before and subsided. The new epidemic was spread by Mongols in Asia. Some Europeans saw the plague as God’s punishment for their sins. Some Christians blamed Jews for the epidemic. The workforce diminished. The remaining workers asked for higher wages and inflation, a rise in prices, set in.
Upheaval in the Church The church was unable to provide strong leadership during the plague’s outbreak. Pope Clement V moved the papal court from Rome to Avignon in southern France for 70 years. A schism , or split, occurred during this time and several popes claimed the position. In 1417 Pope Martin V returned the papal court to Rome.
The Hundred Year's War Between 1337 and 1453 Britain and France engaged in a series of wars known as the Hundred Year’s War. Edward III of England claimed the French throne in 1337. The two nations also fought over control of the English Channel. Initially the English won a series of wars due to their longbow.
The Hundred Year's War Joan of Arc told France’s King Charles VII that God sent her to save France. Joan led France to a several victories. She was captured by the English, put on trial for witchcraft, and burned at the stake. France won the series of wars. Joan of Arc was later declared a saint. Results of the Hundred Year’s War In France nationalism erupted. Britain’s monarchs lost ” the power of the purse” to Parliament. New weaponry like the cannon and longbow made knights and castles obsolete.