AKAMAI Technologies
AKAMAI Akamai company stores copies of web content in different locations Mainly provides co-location and marketing business services to e-world.
AKAMAI Founded by Tom Leighton & Daniel Lewin in servers on 1100 networks located in 70 countries around the world customers including Yahoo, Bestbuy, General Motors, FBI
AKAMAI “Edge-Computing” Monitor the internet Locate potential sluggish areas Devise faster routes for information to travel Two main products “Edgesuite” & “Edgescape”
AKAMAI EdgeSuite User requires a content Request redirected to the nearest Akamai server Akamai’s software determines which server is the optimum for the user “Akamaized” content can be delivered four to ten times faster than non-Akamaized content
AKAMAI EdgeScape For marketing and advertising firms Customers integrate a simple program into their website The program retrieves the latest information to akamai servers. Data is always current.
AKAMAI EdgeScape Optimal collection of geography and bandwidth information. With all these unparalled data gathering techniques, Advertisers can delivers ads based on country, religion, city, market area, area code, connection type and speed.
AKAMAI Other Services Content Targeting Content Security Business Intelligence Disaster Recovery On-demand Bandwidth Storage Streaming Services...