The Akamai Maui Short Course
Akamai Maui Short Course Informational Talk, 1/24/06 The Students Maui- and Kauai-based students: from MCC ECET program, UH, mainland 4-year schools Students spend the summer in an internship with a local high-tech company We track their progress Weekly meetings Research expo (July 28 on Maui) [Optional] participation in the SACNAS conference (October in Tampa)
Akamai Maui Short Course Informational Talk, 1/24/06 The Program, part 1 One-week short course: May 30 - June 3 Goals: Mostly attitude Comfort in a lab/research setting Ability to form investigable questions Boldness in asking questions and proposing solutions Communication: writing abstracts, presenting inquiry results to each other, making posters for research expo Familiarity with AO technology and uses Subject material is geometric optics, light & color, AO - considering revisions at PDW
Akamai Maui Short Course Informational Talk, 1/24/06 The Program, part 2 Two half-inquiries Camera Obscura and Sun Shadows Two full inquiries Lenses & refraction and Color & light Two topic units Image processing, light detectors, AO & wavefronts, Gemini AO game More advanced, hands-on, practical, directed Time to meet summer mentors Lunch and project discussion Group visit to an internship site Cultural history of Maui and Haleakala
Akamai Maui Short Course Informational Talk, 1/24/06 More about AO ?? Logistics Have two instructors plus host Need a planner/lead instructor, maybe another instructor? Planning starts at PDW: earliest Short Course Min. monthly videocon meetings with Mark H In progress/development this year Connection with high-tech community Sense of what the internship will be like Post-internship opportunities New topic units? Image processing Circuits & light detection
Akamai Maui Short Course Informational Talk, 1/24/06 The Pitch This is a great program! The students are very engaged, and Mark and MCC are developing new and exciting programs and partnerships