Korea & the World (11) New Europe and European Union 김 병 구
This Week in Brief 한중일 관광 골든루트 10 선 개발키로 – 관광장관회의, 평창 공동성명 (5.29) – 위기상황 공조체제 : 자연재해, 테러, 질병 등 – 종래의 경계 / 경쟁 대상에서 협력 대상 스페인 바르셀로나, UEFA 챔피언스리그 우승 – 유럽 프로축구 연맹 ‘ 꿈의 무대 ’ – 역사의 원한풀이를 축구 열광으로 승화
How Far is Europe? Geographic boundaries – N:Norway, Iceland – E:Russia Ural mountains, Kazakhstan – W:Portugal, Ireland – S:Turkey, Cyprus Population 7.3 억, area ~1000 만 평방 km Languages 31, nations 52 Political boundaries (Vienna line) – West Europe: UK, FRA, GER, ITA etc Eastern Europe: RUS plus ex-Soviet block 26
EU Expansion Map
History of Europe Home of Western Civilization – Greece, Rome, Byzantine, Ottoman, Habsburg – Christian culture – Catholic, Orthodox( 정교회 ), Protestant( 개신교, 1517) Columbus new world (1492) : colonization Birth place of democracy – French Revolution(1789) – From feudal kingdom to republic Birth place of communism – Bolshevik Revolution (1918, St. Petersburg ) – 12 independent republics after Soviet collapse (1989) – 7 independent republics after Yugoslavia collapse(1990)
Colonial Imperialism : New World UK:USA, INA/PAK, AUL/NZL, KEN, SAF ESP:Central/South America POR:BRA, ANG FRA:ALG, MOR, SEN NET:MOZ, IND
Continent of Wars 100 Year War : 1337 – 1453 (FRA, Joan d’Ark) 30 Year War: 1618 – 1648 (GER, Cat/Pro) Napoleon War: WW I: Communism : WW II: Balkan War: Chernobyl accident: 1986
Road to No Wars Military/security pacts – NATO :founded 1949, 26 members (US lead) – Warsaw Pact : 1955 – 1991, 7 member (USSR lead) Political pact – OSCE (Org. for Security and Co-operation in Europe), founded 1973, 56 members Economic alliance – European Union (EU)
Collapse of Communism 1986Chernobyl nuclear accident, Ukraine 1988Seoul Olympic 1989Collapse of Berlin WallCollapse of Berlin Wall 1990E/W German reunification 1991Soviet collapse, 12 republics ex-communist countries join EU » LIT, LAT, EST, CZR, HUN, SLO, SLA, POL
Expansion of EU Founded coal/steel union with 6 MS (1957 Rome) Expanded to 27 united states of Europe – 1995:15 MS (western Europe) – 2004:25 MS (10 eastern Europe; CZR, HUN, SLO) – 2007:27 MS (ROM, BUL) Single currency Euro (2002) No borders, Schengen Treaty (2007) Remaining 20, EU admission process – Timing of TUR admission
Prospect of New Silk Road Linking Europe and Asia (Eurasia) – Hyecho, 8 C. Shilla monk, first Korean to Europe - Marco Polo, 13 C. first European to Asia TSR/TCR/TKR rail transports Lessons learned from Europe – History of sufferings, wisdom to negotiate – Highest culture, prosperity – Balance from US domination
Small but Strong ( 强小國 ) Superpowers:FRA(18C), UK(19C), GER(20C) Small but strongs – Benelux-3: BEL, NET, LUX – Scandinavia-4: SWE, NOR, DEN, FIN – Alps-2: SWI, AUS Austria/Korea relations – WW I/II defeated with Nazi Germany – Land of music, culture, ski – First first lady Francesca Rhee (from Vienna)
한. 유럽 협력 약사 한국 최초의 서양인 : 화란인 Hendrick Hamel – 1653, 13 년 체한 후 “ 하멜 표류기 ” 발행 유럽 최초의 한국인 : 16c. 안토니오 코레아 ? – Rubens 명화, “ 베니스의 개성 상인 ” 구한말 유럽과 수교국 : 불 / 영 / 러 / 독 Hague 밀사 사건 : 차 만국평화회의 – 이준 열사 고종의 특사로 파견, 분사 대한민국 초대 영부인 Francesca 여사
Rubens “A Man in Korean Costume”(1617)
Francesca Story 1900Francesca Donner, born in Vienna 1933 Meets Syngman Rhee, Geneve 1934Married to Dr. Rhee, New York First first lady 1965Returned to Vienna after Dr. Rhee’s death 1970Returned back to Seoul, Ewha-jang 1992Died at Ewha-jang
Francesca at Syngman Rhee’s BD