– Objective: Explain how government has progressed throughout history. Activity: – Using the “Brief History of Government” reading create a flow chart showing the steps in government
A Brief History of Government Progression of Government Systems The story through maps
First Civilizations Small communities spawned kingdoms Political dynasties War fought to control territory
Functions of Government Law codes – Ur-Nammu and Hammurabi Road systems – Control over large areas 2 nd Century A.D. – Han Chinese, Kushan, Parthian, and Roman Totalitarian
Patterns China ruled in recurring dynasties Europe – no one revived the Roman Empire – Split into two parts
Fall of the Roman Empire Influence of Christianity Barbarian invaders Kings ruled western Europe – Became the territories of European nation states
Byzantine Empire Continued for almost 1,000 years beyond fall of the Roman Empire Taken by the Ottomans in 1454 A.D. When Constantinople fell to the Muslims, ecclesiastical power shifted to Moscow
Russian Empire Slavic people converted to the orthodox faith Model became a partnership between church and state – church subordinate – Russian czar means Caesar – Totalitarian – Totalitarian rule was adaptable to communism
The Church The Pope became the spiritual leader of Christians Barbarian kings converted to Christianity Church gave blessings to rule Partnership in ruling – The Pope was the chief ecclesiastical official – Holy Roman Empire
Islam Ruling caliphs – Combined religious and political authority – Religious was preferred to secular Islamic empires extended from Turkey in south Asia
Changes in Government Protestant Reformation Step toward democracy Rise of Parliamentary governments
Revolutions American and French After WWI three European dynasties fell Democracy replaced hereditary monarchies
Rise of independent nations A rise in independent nations began in the 19 th century Latin America Former colonies in Africa and Asia
Modern Conquest Wars fought for economic objectives – Gain new territories, access to markets or control of natural resources Communism, a new economic religion Industrialization is the key to strength Access to oil Educated citizenry