Linux Terminal Server What is LTS? Linux Terminal Sever (LTS) is a software solution to reuse outdated computers. It is a genuine way to save cost on hard ware and promote environment protection.
Linux Terminal Server Why LTS Cost saving environmentally friendly stable and virus-free open source localisation available (Thai language kit)
Linux Terminal Server Advantages of LTS...completely free of any license cost. It can be downloaded from the web or copied from other users. There are hundreds of distros available. GNU/Linux w/ LTS is...
Linux Terminal Server Advantages of LTS...very stable. The “blue screen of death” or the freezing so often experienced by certain operating systems are unknown in GNU/Linux. The uptime of a GNU/Linux-systems can even reach years! GNU/Linux w/ LTS is...
Linux Terminal Server Advantages of LTS...about 30% more efficient in hardware use than a Windows™ platform, i.e. a system running GNU/Linux is about 30% faster than its Windows™ equivalent with the same hardware configuration. GNU/Linux w/ LTS is...
Linux Terminal Server Advantages of LTS...virus-free. Meanwhile there are more than about 60'000 viruses known attacking Windows™ systems, there are just about 20 (twenty!) in GNU/Linux. As viruses are created for attacking specific operating systems, using GNU/Linux is like a vaccination: No virus designed for Windows™ can do anything in a GNU/Linux environment. GNU/Linux w/ LTS is...
Linux Terminal Server Advantages of LTS...a Unix-like operating system. Being historically one of the first and still most widely used operating system in the business world, Unix offers far more possibilities than Windows™ platforms. Learning to operate Unix teaches you the “real thing”. It is therefore especially suited for educational facilities. GNU/Linux w/ LTS is...
Linux Terminal Server Magic take an old PI... and turn it into a AMD X2...
Linux Terminal Server How it works client sends it to the server user types “linux” server rebuilds screen and sends it back to the client
Linux Terminal Server How it works For the user it looks like everything happens on the client
Linux Terminal Server savings Cost comparison for 25 stations between a conventional windows® and GNU/Linux-based LTS network. nb: LTS does not have any software costs!
Linux Terminal Server carbon savings Nearly 25 million computers are obsolete each year in US alone. Extending the lifespan of a computer is an active contribution to the environment!
Linux Terminal Server Targets Main targets for LTS are: Internet Cafes Educational Facilities Office environments
Linux Terminal Server Internet cafes A typical use for LTS is the Internet cafes. The disk-less clients are especially suited as they do not contain a hard drive that easily breaks down. The clients are more robust to rough treatment and do not need software maintenance.
Linux Terminal Server Educational facilities Computer teaching environments with 10 to 30 stations are excellent targets for LTS. All office applications and /Internet is working perfectly. Thai language is available.
Linux Terminal Server Offices LTS is a brilliant way to set up a low-cost office. OpenOffice supplies text, spreadsheet and presentation, GIMP professional photo editing. DTP and more is available. Cross-compatibility to commercial office applications is guaranteed. In addition, GNU/Linux is virus-free!
Linux Terminal Server Requirements modem switch clients one server many clients switch modem
Linux Terminal Server One single server......up to 50 clients!...can feed...
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