1 "ABBAT" Tajikistan International Road Carriers Association Larisa Kislyakova - Head of the Department of Foreign Economic Relations Astana 2015
2 New Solutions Security at a Modern Level. TIR, B UT B ETTER.
3 TIR system has existed for over 60 years for one simple reason.
4 It is recognised as one of the most effective instruments conducive to saving time and money, as well as to ensuring trade security on the global level.
5 Innovation for us is an important element.
6 This is why we have developed 3 new products.
8 4-volet TIR carnet is… a simple, competitive alternative to all the bilateral transport operations between two countries or two unions... (crossing only one border)
9 …which realises all the advantages of TIR. Security Cargoes are transported in vehicles sealed with customs seals and locks Only for TIR carnet authorised holders Guaranteed payment of customs duties and fees Centralised settlement of claims/warranty provision Full transparency and availability of statistical data that confirm financial security of this system Simplification Active in 58 countries Single document No checks at border crossings Enables rationalisation of the border-crossing procedure Free-of-charge internet-based instrument of transferring pre- declaration and risk management
10 Why? Because in the event of crossing only a single border, you will only need 4 volets.
11 6 Key Advantages For Customs #1 — Saves Time and Money Mutually recognised means of customs control eliminate the necessity of systematic customs controls at border crossing points, with the exception of verification of stamps and seals This can cut down on the amount of staff resources required #2 — Ensures Controlled Access Access to the TIR system is under strict control of the customs authorities and TIR associations
12 #3 — Improves Security Cargoes are transported under customs stamps and seals exclusively in vehicles that are compliant with the TIR specifications #4 — Reliable Financial Guarantee Payment of taxes and fees shall be arranged by the international guarantee system supported by the largest international and national insurance carriers
13 #5 — Uses Electronic Means of Risk Management Preliminary risk evaluation using the free-of-charge pre-declaration that utilises the TIR-EPD system; fully electronic access to the TIR database for real-time verification of TIR carnets #6 — Enhances Transparency Centralised management of claims/guarantees and full transparency and availability of statistical data verifying financial security of this system
15 ALREADY FULLY UTILISED IN KAZAKHSTAN is... a fully computerised enhanced guarantee system* using the TIR carnet. *$150, 000 / 160, 000 Euro (depending on the TIR carnet initial guarantee amount limit set in any particular country)
16 Why? Because at times, freight requires larger guarantee collateral compared to normal practice.
17 5 Key Advantages for Customs #1 — Saves Time and Money An alternative to customs convoy which allows to relieve staff and vehicles #2 — Higher Level of Security Available only to authorised holders of TIR carnets that use reliable means of transportation authorised in accordance with the TIR requirements.
18 #4 — Easy to Use The procedure for TIR+ is the same as a conventional TIR operation #3 — Reliable Financial Guarantee Taxes and fees are collected using an international guarantee system supported by the largest international and national insurance carriers #5 — Enhances Transparency Fully electronic access to the TIR database for TIR+ voucher and TIR carnet validation in real-time
19 Printing of the voucher in observance of all security parameters of TIR Accessible only through TIR associations that are part of the IRU It is designed exclusively for authorised holders of TIR carnets Activated only upon availability of a valid TIR carnet Global guarantee provided by TIR insurers, which improves financial reliability Additional rationale
20 TIR Customs Portal An opportunity for an easy and quick validation Simple activation of the guarantee anytime, anywhere available in English and Russian Infrastructure or technical support is not necessary Is accompanied by intuitive internet instruments
22 Domestic iCarnet is... a new, competitive carnet for arranging cargo transportation between two customs services within the same country.
23 Why? Because sometimes cargo needs to be transported from ports to the destination within a single TIR country
24 5 Key Advantages for Customs #2 — Improved Security Transportation using customs seals and locks only in authorised vehicles that meet the TIR requirements #1 – Easy to Use Procedure is similar to the conventional TIR procedure, no additional investments required
25 #3 — Ensures Robust Financial Guarantee Taxes and fees are collected using an international guarantee system supported by the largest international and national insurance carriers #5 — Risk Assessment and Operation Performance Monitoring Involves the use of IRU IT applications: TIR-EPD and SafeTIR in real time #4 — Controlled Access Uses only by authorised TIR users
26 Now that you have been familiarised with our new products… 4-volet TIR Carnet simple competitive alternative to bilateral transport operations between two countries or two unions... TIR+ Voucher a fully computerised enhanced guarantee* using TIR carnet in the amount of 150,000 USD / 160,000 Euro. iCarnet new competitive carnet for arranging cargo freight between two customs services within the same country.
27 New Products — New Opportunities
28 Новые продукты находят свой рынок Kazakhstan Iran Kyrgyzstan Ukraine Other countries are preparing to use the new products New products can be used by operators from any country; for example, Uzbek operators can acquire TIR+ vouchers through their association to use them within Kazakhstan
29 Simplicity: process similar to TIR procedure — no additional investments required Security: cargo freighting using customs seals in TIR-authorised vehicles Financial Guarantees: global financial insurance provided by the international chain including large international and national insurance carriers Controlled Access: only for authorised holders of TIR carnets Preliminary risk assessment and tracking using risk management instruments TIR-EPD and SafeTIR in real time New products advantages
30 ECO nations bring TIR to a new level TIR countries: 9/10 of countries in TIR, and Pakistan on the homestretch of joining TIR information instruments for risk management (RTS/TIR-EPD) – 6/9 of TIR nations guarantee is increased to 60,000 Euro in Iran and Kyrgyzstan TIR+ enhanced guarantee is active in Kazakhstan, and documents have been signed in Iran and Kyrgyzstan TIR-EPD green corridor in Kyrgyzstan General increase in issuance of TIR carnets in the region ECO nations, historically possessing a network of trade routes, both internal and those connecting the region with global markets, continue growing in significance for international trade thanks to the latest achievements in the cooperation between national associations, customs bodies and IRU.
31 TIR Operation CUTE-Wise, RTS IRU Database IRU Control AskTIR
32 Our contacts: ABBAT Association Central Office 592, Kakkhorova st., , Dushanbe, Tajikistan Tel:+992 (44) , +992 (44) Website: АВВАТ Association