Change Agents Conference 2012 The Writing Centre Siân Harris
Case Study: The College of Humanities Undergraduate Writing Centre Funding secured by Dr. Lee Rumbarger in Spring Work began on project launch in October Centre opened for appointments in January 2012.
Writing Centre Ethos Provide students with support and guidance from their peers. Facilitate a fresh discussion of academic writing. Encourage students to think beyond assessment and develop their writing as a skill in itself. Further a sense of community amongst student writers
The Peer Advisors “I have really enjoyed my time at the Writing Centre so far. It is particularly satisfying when you can see how you have helped a student to improve an aspect of their writing [...] It enables students to receive feedback in a relaxed, less formal environment, without the pressure of the student / tutor relationship.”
The First Term The Peer Advisors have seen 102 individual students over 11 weeks. 28 of those students have made repeat appointments
Stage of Study
Testimonials “ I found the session useful because it gave me a clearer focus on my approach to an essay and also some new ideas for research methods” “It’s wonderful what can be achieved when you allow someone else to peer at your work, and offer their opinion. I feared I would leave the centre feeling disheartened and nervous about continuing my work, but I felt entirely the opposite. My regular visits have instilled in me a far greater confidence in my abilities and writing, reflected in recent marks.”
Digital / Social Media Resources
Student Led Virtual Learning
Future possibilities... Extending the programme / establishing partner programmes to cater for a wider range of students? Opening for Summer School activities? Expanding the presence online? Incorporating into module assessment – eg students required to visit centre with a draft of their essay in order to submit the final version?
Key Points of Practice Student Initiative & Innovation Distributed Learning Peer-led Dialogue and Discussion