Born Hooked Drug Affected Newborns
The following factors affect the newborn: Type of drugs used by the parent Degree of drug use Prenatal care received Nutrition during pregnancy Mother’s general state of health 10% of all infants born are exposed to illegal drugs before birth.
Approximately 550,000 to 750,000 babies born each year have some symptoms of drug and /or alcohol exposure Some effects may be temporary while others may span through the child's life, affecting physical, emotional, social and educational development.
Drug Use May Cause Low birth weight (weighing less that 5.5 pounds) Premature birth (at less than 37 weeks) Exposure in the early stages affects the development of organs and the central nervous system (even if the woman doesn’t know she is pregnant) Exposure in the later stages affects physical growth and behavioral development. Withdrawal symptoms
Drug Affected Infants May Also Experience: Uncontrollable shakes Exposure to infectious or STDs by mother Increased risk of death from SIDS Difficulty breathing Inability to eat properly when hungry Loss of contact with parents Extreme sensitivity to light, sound and touch Difficulty responding to new stimuli, focusing attention and processing information
Marijuana Retained in the body for a long time. Contains more than 57 unique ingredients, several are mind- altering The THC seeps into the fatty cells and fat-laden organs (liver, spleen, lungs, sex organs and the brain)
Marijuana One study on adult females who have been smoking marijuana for more than one year shows a hormonal change has occurred which can be dangerous. This raises concern about the developing reproductive systems of teenagers who use.
Marijuana In one study, pregnant rhesus monkeys were exposed to marijuana at the human equivalent of 1-2 joints per day. In 44% of the cases, the mothers aborted and infants died before, during and after birth. The pathologist found that in the babies that died, there were developmental abnormalities in the nervous, cardiovascular systems and in various organs.
Marijuana Pot decreases the rate of cell division, but even small amount of marijuana impairs the formation of DNA, the genetic material of the cells. Pot may impair the immune system. The sperm of pot smokers looks spotty and faded compared to the sperm of nonsmokers
Minn. Stat. Ann. § , ‘’Neglect’’ includes: Prenatal exposure to a controlled substance, used by the mother for a nonmedical purpose, as evidenced by withdrawal symptoms in the child at birth, results of a toxicology test performed on the mother at delivery or the child at birth, or medical effects or developmental delays during the child’s first year of life that medically indicate prenatal exposure to a controlled substance BUT>>> High Court Unanimously Rules that Pregnancy Prosecutions Are Illegal; Reverses Convictions of Women